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一小交谘会及红隧也。A tiny tac and CHT also.

你吃了什么?闻闻我的口气。You need a Tic Tac because your breath stinks.

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税随后会从你的工资里扣掉。The tac will be deducted from your salary later.

井字游戏相框由一个分9格的大相框制成。The Tic Tac Toe photo frame is made up of a grid with 9 spaces.

有了井字游戏吐司,你就能在吃早饭的同时锻炼脑子了!With Tic Tac Toast you can now exercise your brain at breakfast too!

远近距离都不失是一把准确的狙击枪。Chey Tac sniper is an accurate sniper for long and short range sniping.

TAC单倍型携带者出现原发性开角型青光眼的风险较小。TAC haplotype carriers appear lower risk of primary open angle glaucoma.

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我儿时学会的第一个游戏是井字游戏。One of the first games I ever learned to play as a child was Tic Tac Toe.

现在他们坐在床上玩井字游戏和看电视。Right now they're sitting on the bed, playing tic tac toe and watching TV.

您以为您可以轻松赢电脑过三关吗?传统之交差零游戏,看您怎样战胜电脑。You think you can beat the computer easily in a tic tac toe game? We'll see.

变风量空调系统应用于工位空调系统中,稳定性是主要问题。If VAV system is applied to the TAC system, the stability is the main question.

以上结果表明,此TAC文库适合用于稻瘟菌基因组的分析。It is suggested that the TAC library is suitable for genome analysis of M. grisea.

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刮点儿花生酱和你最喜欢的果酱,来一次井字游戏比赛吧,赢家才能吃掉这片吐司。Grab some peanut butter and your favorite jam and have a tic tac toast competition.

常设工作机构为中国译协本地化服务委员会秘书处。The executive office of the LSC is the Secretariat of the Localization Service Committee of TAC.

进行面试之前,你可以含薄荷糖或曼妥思,使口气清新,不过不要嚼口香糖。Before you go into an interview, pop a Tic Tac or a Mentos for fresh breath, but do not chew gum.

她推测,“这可能导致在高抗氧化剂饮食和出血性卒中中虚假的反向联系”。This might have produced a spurious inverse association between TAC of diet and risk of hemorrhagic stroke.

沃尔夫觉得他能够透过坦克的座舱盖清晰地听见他们的哀嚎,还能听到战术通信网络中充满喊叫的杂音。Wolff thought he could hear their wailing clear through the tank's canopy and the tac net's cacophony of calls.

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研究了钨粉粒度和碳化钽对钨块致密化和晶粒大小的影响。The effects of particle size of tungsten powders and TaC quantity on densification and grain size were investigated.

演习执行井字在这个自由与视频提示从上一个滑板滑板极限运动教练。Perform a tic tac maneuver on a skateboard with tips from a skateboarding instructor in this free video on extreme sports.

我们设计出了一个擅长玩井字游戏的自动机来展示DNA逻辑闸的一些能力。We have demonstrated some of the abilities of our DNA gates by building automata that play perfect games of tic- tac -toe.