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首先看看学生手册。First refer to this handbook.

一本关于电力的手册上。In a handbook on electricity.

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哈佛学生守则。the Harvard student handbook.

我说的人生指南是什么呢?What do I mean by a life handbook?

我总是把那本手册放在手边。I always keep the handbook at hand.

她正在阅读一本园艺手册。She is reading a handbook on gardening.

遵守索菲特酒店员工守则。Abides by the Sofitel Employee Handbook.

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这里没有福音或者管理手册。There’s no gospel or management handbook here.

厂规或员工手册。Factory rule or Workers handbook which may include.

有没有学生使用手册可供下载?从哪里可以下载?Is there a student handbook? Where can I download it?

记住,指南是一本不断在完善的手册。Remember, your handbook is a work-in-progress document.

投标用施工组织设计实用手册。Tender with the Construction Design Practical Handbook.

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邻座上,一位纤弱的暹罗人正在那里展卷精读一部兵法手册。By his elbow a delicate Siamese conned a handbook of strategy.

每天清晨,在开始你新的一天时,看一看你的手册。Look at your handbook every morning before you start your day.

创建一本人生指南这个想法是一年前才有的。The idea of having a life handbook came to me over a year ago.

格雷迪,我注意到,你的项目手册的软件架构。Grady, I note that your project is handbook of software architecture.

我的手册是由很多种不同颜色组成的电子表格。My handbook is an excel workbook with many different colored sections.

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这本新手册的出版使旧作相形见绌。The publication of this new handbook have throw the old one into the shade.

所谓户籍,是指登记居民户口的簿册。Household registration is the handbook of registering the residents Account.

应用可靠性预计手册计算了各单元的工作失效率。The failure rate for each unit is calculated according to reliability handbook.