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鲁德尔能告诉你。Rudder can tell you.

已转舵向新目标。Rudder set for new heading.

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桨常可起舵的作用。An oar often acts as rudder.

船桨常作舵来使用。An oar often acts as a rudder.

舵栓要用螺母安装。Rudder pintle to be fitted with nut.

后缘是全翼展的方向舵。The after skirt is the entire wingspan rudder.

准将,他把舵链松开了,先生。Commodore, he's disabled the rudder chain, sir.

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舵杆机加工尺寸检查。发布。Inspection machining dimension of rudder stock.

阻力方向舵在无尾飞机上得到广泛的应用。A drag rudder is mostly used by tailless aircraft.

我发现自己挤在船尾和船舵中间。I found myself jammed in between the stern and rudder.

舵杆、舵叶、舵销连接后中心线检查。Inspection alignment of stock, rudder blade and pintle.

船舵阳极,支柱螺帽阳极,更换支柱阳极。Rudder Anodes, Prop Nut Anodes, Replacement Prop Anodes.

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人阙如目标就像船没有船舵。The man without purpose is like a ship without a rudder.

因为一旦我们看到还有那种漂来漂去的小船,我们就会登上船,给它安一个舵。We see a ship adrift, we climb aboard, install a rudder.

方向舵控制偏航就想船上的方向舵一样。The rudder controls yaw exactly like the rudder on a boat.

她的仿生鳍就像个舵,用来保持平衡。Her prosthetic fin acts like a rudder and keeps her stable.

翅膀提供推动力,尾巴起方向舵的作用。The wings provide propulsion and the tail acts as a rudder.

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航行的方向出现偏差,请右满舵行驶。We deviated in our navigation. Please turn right full rudder.

不管你的教会有多大,它同样需要指引方向的人。No matter how big your church gets, it needs a rudder as well.

鲁德尔抵消只是由推杆长度调整。Rudder offset is simply adjusted by the length of the pushrod.