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发泄你的失意。Vent your frustration.

我理解这种挫折感。I understand their frustration.

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我理解你的困扰。A. I understand your frustration.

不要迁移沮丧。Don't misdirect your frustration.

别因为今天你不顺就拿我撒气。Don"t take your frustration out on me."

玩具反斗城的挫折并非绝无仅有。Toys “R” Us’s frustration is not unique.

赛后,林会发泄一些挫折感。Postgame, Lin will release some frustration.

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疲劳和沮丧会令人心里交瘁。Fatigue and frustration will take their toll.

尽量减少填写表格的挫败感。Minimize the frustration of filling in forms.

她那些话使他极端灰心丧气。Her words made his heart burn with frustration.

他们说起巴德时带着热情和沮丧。They speak of Bard with warmth and frustration.

不要让焦虑或沮丧占上风。Do not let anxiousness or frustration take over.

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欣儿多次找到董旺,却一次次受挫。Find DongWang DuoCi son of, but time frustration.

少阻塞、少繁忙和少呼叫失败。Less blockage, fewer busies and less frustration.

Michael失望地将空袋子揉成团。Michael crumples up the empty bag in frustration.

抱怨和叹息变为喘息声。Grumbles and sighs of frustration turned to gasps.

他把因挫败而郁积的怒气发泄在家人身上。He took his pent up frustration out on his family.

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然而,我认为你能认同男人受到的挫折。I think you can identify with the man’s frustration.

已经有很多这样令人沮丧的事了,And you know, you have a lot of frustration like that,

身体邉訉让你避免挫折。Physical exercise will allow you to avoid frustration.