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你的雇主。Your employer.

雇主授权。An employer mandate.

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帮帮你的老板。Assist your employer.

他的雇主扣了他的工资。His employer docked his pay.

我以前的老板太烂了。My previous employer sucked.

它应该是雇主注意力集中。It should be employer focused.

成为全球最佳雇主公司。To be the best employer company.

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雇主怕什么?What is this employer afraid of?

我的雇主代扣代缴税款。My employer is withholding taxes.

这个雇主只是个恶劣地土暴发户而已。The employer is a bad parvenu only.

这是你作为企业主可以利用的一个因素。It is one you can use as an employer.

那位雇主让他们整天干活。The employer kept them working all day.

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他把那个雇员推出办公室。He thrust the employer out of his office.

海克特是我遇到过的最差劲的老板。Hector was the worst employer I ever had.

你跟你的新上司处嘚如何?How are you doing with your new employer?

雇主连一零吉都没给我。The employer never gave even one ringgit.

你怎样才能变成最佳雇主?How can you become the employer of choice?

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我的老板把我们的要求视为儿戏。My employer treated our request as a joke.

雇主从事的是器具行业。The employer was in the appliance industry.

我的下一个老板会认为我就是懒。my next employer would just think I'm lazy.