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你将享受到彻底的财富共享。It's complete sharing.

所以我们可以完成这一步。So we could complete it.

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把所有的事实全讲出来。Tell the complete truth.

直到把曲子全学完。Till the tune's complete.

这完全是个谬论。That's a complete fallacy.

这是完全平衡状态。There is complete balance.

这是个父母双全的家庭。This is a complete family.

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这完全是瞎扯淡。This is complete bullshit.

齐全的可选配件。Complete optional fittings.

填好背面的表格。Complete the form overleaf.

我不完全是一个新手。I am not a complete newbie.

完成第一天的练习18洞。Complete first-day 18 holes.

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完成拖拉操作。Complete the drag operation.

现在只需填这张表。Now just complete this form.

阿鲁夫厄姆全部完成。Complete all Alfheim portals.

他们想要彻底的真相。They want the complete truth.

现在插件已经完成了。This plug-in is now complete.

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配齐装备并报告。Complete equipment and report.

完成任务“建在沙上的房子”。Complete A House Built on Sand.

他对我完全是个陌生人。He's a complete stranger to me.