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数据包长度的设置,如果跟我一样不确定,选择是。Should pppoe clamp MSS at 1452 bytes? If unsure, say yes.

戴尔将能重拾回了其领先地位,在重建置业?Will Dell be able to regain back its leadership position in MSS?

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MSS是一种集成监视系统,可以扩大海关和边防部门的监视范围。MSS is an integrated surveillance system extending the eyes of the CBP agents.

本文通过对北方电信MSS系统的推广、应用进行分析研究。This paper analysed the promotion and the application of the Northern Telecom MSS system.

如果他是“预付用户”,MSS将在他离开通话后减少差额。If it is a "caller prepaid" user. MSS will reduce its balance when it makes out-going call.

一般而言,在基地台和行动用户之间,可能存在著一条以上的连线服务。In general, there may be more than one service connection between a base station and an MSS.

无论采用哪种无害化、资源化处置方法,输送环节都是必不可少的。No matter which clean and harmless disposal way is used, the transportation of MSS is necessary.

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MSS的灵敏度、合格标本采集率、病例调查的完整性处在中等水平。The MSS and high sensitivity and adequate blood collection rate and case investigation rate were high.

如果对等方是一个SIP服务器,MSS将使用外部网上信息注册到对等SIP服务器。If peer side is a SIP server, MSS will use the external line information to register to peer SIP Server.

本文介绍用电子计算机对陆地卫星多光谱扫描遥感图象的错位条带进行纠正的方法。In this paper, a computer technique for correcting lateral offsets within Landsat MSS imagery is introduced.

本研究结果将可作为日后在母血筛检流程上进行知情选择流程制订的参考依据。Lastly, results of the research could be adopted as the reference to formulate the standards of conducting MSS.

当MSS安装好之后,NRS将对整个操作程序进行全面的检查。After the MSS has been successfully assembLED, NRS will carry out a complete check of all operational procedures.

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母血筛检对于外籍女性配偶而言,可能成为他们第一个碰到的遗传检测。Therefore, for those immigrated female spouse, the MSS would be their first genetic test while they were pregnant.

整体式和分体式阀体球阀其设计和制造都符合或超过ANSI,MSS和API标准。The unibody and split-body valves are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed ANSI, MSS and API specifications.

钻孔位置、有关标志以及钻孔工艺程序都是符合美国阀门及配件制造业标准化协会SP-45的规定和要求。Boss locations and symbols and tapping procedures are in accordance with MSS Bypass and Drain Connection Standard SP-45.

如果针对CS寻呼的BSS寻呼协调在这个小区是激活的,或者没有激活,都应做为系统信息指示给MS。If BSS paging co-ordination for CS paging is active in a cell or not, shall be indicated as system information to the MSs.

以1979年的MSS和2002年的ETM遥感影像为依据,运用遥感和GIS技术,开展了吉林省磐石市土壤侵蚀动态监测研究。Based on the MSS images in 1979 and ETM data in 2002, soil erosion change in Panshi City is studied with the aid of RS and GIS.

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在PASC中,所有行动主机的资料流所限定的服务品质限制直到它们加入前都未知,每一个行动主机都使用自己的休眠周期来节省电力。In the PASC, the QoS information of all MSSs needs not to know beforehand. Each MSS uses its own sleeping cycle for power saving.

我们从管理支持技术特征和决策模式等方面,探讨MSS对企业组织中管理决策工作影响。We discuss with the impact of MSS on the managerial decision works in the firms from the attribute of managerial support technique.

该矿化在MSS图象上呈现一定的影象特征,据此,本文概括出本区层控铀矿的影象模式。Finally this paper has outlined the image model of strata-bound uranium mineralization which appears some image characteristics on MSS image.