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我只有横下一条心,硬着头皮上了。I only horizontal under a heart, crustily skin of head.

年轻的将领微微犹豫,随后硬着头皮领命下城。Youngly willing get is tiny hesitant, later on crustily the rind of head receive orders city.

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无奈,照妖镜只有硬着头皮,一手托着炸弹来到阵前。Helpless, shine on a demon mirror to only have crustily skin of head, skill hold bomb to arrive at before.

为了拿到玉帛,鲇川硬着头皮参与测试。In order to get beat their swords into plowshares and Nian sichuan crustily skin of head participation test.

荣生去面试一看是孙铁军地点的公司,最终照样硬着头皮进去了。RongSheng to interview for a look at the site, the company is SunTieJun so eventually crustily skin of head in.

硬着头皮敲响门,宇赫妈妈隔门叮嘱儿子,而郁闷的宇赫一人在里面回应。Crustily skin of head on the door, yu Hector mother partition door told son and depressed yu Hector one in response.

很多事由不得你说不会,只能硬着头皮去学,幸运的是,也正因如此,才得以成长,进步。Many reason not you say no, only crustily skin of head to learn, fortunately, is also for this reason, to grow, and progress.

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惠珍为没有筹到弟弟的调停金而焦炙,这时承佑来到美术馆,惠珍硬着头皮向他借钱。HuiZhen for no way to raise the mediation gold and JiaoZhi brother, then ChengYou came to art museum, HuiZhen crustily skin of head to borrow money from.

我起床之后没有人给我梳头发,我只好自己对着镜子,拿起梳子,苯手笨脚地扎了个歪歪扭扭的马尾辫,硬着头皮背着书包去上学。I got no man after me, I had to comb to the mirror, took the comb, benzene clumsy was a crooked ponytail, crustily skin of head back schoolbag go to school.

苏贞怡把白盛才带去卖场做兼职打工赚钱,白盛才到了门口才知道是JW集团,只好硬着头皮进去工作。Su Zhenyi took Bai Cheng only stores do part-time jobs to make money, Bai Cheng just reached the door just know is JW group, had to crustily skin of head in to work.

孙维栋想给光蕙一个吻,光蕙下意识地闪躲了开去,她突然意识到这样不对,又硬着头皮和孙维栋的嘴唇贴在了一起。Sun Weidong wanted to give a kiss, sticks to light sticks to subconsciously dodge away, she suddenly realized that this is wrong, and crustily skin of head and Sun Weidong lips together.