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乔治是个带着六个小阿子的鳏夫。George was a widower with six young children.

我80多岁了,最近刚成为鳏夫。I am 80-plus and have recently become a widower.

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他告诉我,他已经结婚51年了,但如今却成了一个鳏夫。He told me he'd been married for 51 years but was now a widower.

那个鳏夫整个晚上坐着向一个混血少女以目传情。The widower sat casting sheep's eyes at a half- caste girl all the evening.

住在那底下的海王已经做了好多年的鳏夫,但是他有老母亲为他管理家务。The Sea King had been a widower for many years, and his aged mother kept house for him.

阿西夫·阿里·扎尔达里是遇刺的领导人贝娜齐尔·布托的丈夫。The widower of assassinated leader Benazir Bhutto will run for the Pakistani presidency.

壮年鳏夫威廉·汉密尔顿爵士作为英国大使,出使那不勒斯王国。Sir William Hamilton, a widower of mature years, is British ambassador to the Court of Naples.

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在一个乡村小镇,少年艾米是过度保护她的鳏夫父亲约翰。In a small town in the countryside, the teenager Amy is overprotected by her widower father John.

在接着的战斗中,王后被一只乱箭射中,不幸丧命,留下特修斯一人独自悲伤。In the battle that followed, the queen was wounded by a chance arrow and died, leaving Theseus a sad widower.

打死她也不嫁那么个有拖油瓶还深爱前妻的鳏夫!Kill she doesn't marry as well so the widower that has yet hauled by an oil flask to still love profoundly former wife!

种植烟叶的土地租金虽然每年都在减少,对于一个鳏夫和已经长大了自立的孩子们来说仍然足够了。The tobacco lease earned less each year but still enough for a widower with grown children who were able to support themselves.

假如你是澳洲雄民的正当婚姻配偶、寡妇或鳏夫,你可能可以不消满足一般的歇息规定。If you are the legally married spouse, widow or widower of an Australian citizen, the usual residence requirements may be waived.

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巴基斯坦被暗杀的前理贝纳齐尔。布托的丈夫扎尔达里当选巴基斯坦新总统。The widower of Pakistan's assassinated former prime minister Benazir Bhutto has won elections to become the country's next president.

前女总理贝-布托的丈夫扎而达里在联邦和省议会中的选举中取得压倒性的胜利。He's the widower of former premier Benazir Bhutto. Asif Ali Zardari won in a landslide election in the federal and provincial assemblies.

不过,她还提到,只要愿意去改变习惯,就算是一个只知道怎么弄熟热狗的鳏夫也能形成一种更有益于心脏的生活方式。Still, even a widower who only knows how to boil a hot dog can lead a more heart-healthy lifestyle if he’s willing to change habits, she said.

但第二天,林肯后悔莫及,他找到斯科特并为前一天的无礼举动道歉,同时尽其所能帮助这位丧妻的军人。The following day, however, a remorseful Lincoln tracked Scott down, apologized “for being a brute” and did everything in his power to assist the widower.

两个兰金“男孩”只差两岁,曾经亲密无间,但后来为了从他们独身的父亲那里继承一匹赛马而争吵。The Rankin "boys", only two years apart in age, had once been inseparable, but had fallen out over a racehorse they had inherited from their widower father.

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目前,如果一个鳏夫需要获得洗衣、穿衣以及烹饪方面的帮助,他可以住在家里享受别人的不定时服务。At the moment, a widower who needs help with washing, dressing and cooking, for example, can live at home and get assistance from people who visit several times a day.

已故前总理贝·布托的丈夫阿西夫·阿里·扎尔达里在联邦议会和省议会大选中凭借压倒性优势成为巴基斯坦新一任总统。And Pakistan has a new president. He's the widower of former premier Benazir Bhutto. Asif Ali Zardari won in a landslide election in the federal and provincial assemblies.

美联社22日报道,巴基斯坦执政党一致推举前遇刺总理贝·布托之夫阿西夫·阿里·扎尔达里参选巴基斯坦总统。Pakistan's main ruling party has proposed that Asif Ali Zardari, the widower of assassinated former PM Benazir Bhutto, become the country's next president, AP reported Friday.