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不能为该模板指定要截断的表。Cannot specify tables to truncate for this template.

现在,执行以下命令删除这些行Now issue the following command to truncate these rows

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基生叶长圆形或椭圆形,截形或楔形在基部。Basal leaf blade oblong or elliptic, truncate or cuneate at base.

您可以将本密码删节成8个字,或是不予理睬,保持这样。You can truncate the password to 8 characters, or leave it as it is.

花萼钟状,管状,漏斗状,有时二唇形的或,5齿的通常短截形或。Calyx campanulate, tubular, or funnelform, sometimes 2-lipped, usually truncate or shortly 5-dentate.

当截断使用这些方法时会得到不同的精度。Different precisions will be got while using the operators in these methods in different truncate order.

将传入的所有意料之外字符的所有变量都转换成字符串,并将其截断为合理的限制长度。String all incoming variables of all unexpected characters and truncate the length to a reasonable limit.

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在这种情况下,我们需要将这无限的区域截断成有限的区域来进行数值计算。In this case, we need to truncate the domain to obtain a finite domain for performing numerical calculations.

当另外一个进程试图将你正在传输的文件截断时,内核会向你的进程发送实时信号——RT_SIGNAL_LEASE。When another process tries to truncate the file you are transmitting, the kernel sends you a real-time signal, the RT_SIGNAL_LEASE signal.

RMI使用对象序列化传递参数,并且不会丢失类型,支持面向对象的多态性。RMI uses object serialization to marshal and unmarshal parameters and does not truncate types, supporting true object-oriented polymorphism.

花萼管状,钟状,或杯状的,先端截形对深裂,有时背面的具腺体,革质的,与花瓣和雄蕊一同脱落。Calyx tubular, campanulate, or cup-shaped, apex truncate to deeply lobed, sometimeswithabaxial glands, leathery, falling with petals and stamens.

您的密码超过八个字。在某些系统上,这可能会造成问题。您可以将本密码删节成8个字,或是不予理睬,保持这样。Your password is longer than 8 characters. On some systems, this can cause problems. You can truncate the password to 8 characters, or leave it as it is.

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对影响调谐宽度的因素进行了分析,计算了截尾效应的影响,给出调谐的实验结果。Some factors affecting the tuning linewidth wore analyzed. The effect of lineshape truncate were calculated quantitatively. The results of the tuning experiments wore presented.

清除田间杂草,区域联片种植、培肥地力、促进玉米发育、结合追肥根施药剂及轮换用药等是综合治理抗性叶螨的重要技术措施。Weeds eradication, regional continuous planting, adequate fertilization, rotational insecticide control are important technical measures of integrate control to truncate leaf mites.

利用分裂场完全匹配层吸收边界截断计算空间,为保证PML空间的无条件稳定性,其方程也采用半隐式差分格式。The split field perfectly matched layer technique is introduced to truncate computational domain, and the equations in PML medium are also differenced semi implicitly to keep unconditional stability.