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在2001年又在乌干达发现。In 2001 it was found in Uganda.

纰佑•欧康医生是乌干达的产科医生。Okong is an obstetrician from Uganda.

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恩德比乌干达南部城市,位于维多利亚湖畔。A town of southern Uganda on Lake Victoria.

纰佑·欧康医生是乌干达的产科医生。Dr. Pius Okong is an obstetrician from Uganda.

乌干达肉品训练班的成功事例Success stories from Uganda Meat Training courses

在乌干达,康尼汉女士主攻的是假阳性问题。In Uganda Ms Counihan went for the false positives.

这里离乌干达边境大约17公里远。This is about 17 kilometers from the Uganda border.

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他还将访问南非、坦桑尼亚和乌干达。He will also visit South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda.

乌干达娃娃兵康复计划Rehabilitation programmes for child soldiers in Uganda

但是乌干达好像处于这场战斗的前线。But Uganda seems to be on the front lines of this battle.

在非洲也有同样的情况,例如乌干达和肯尼亚。In Africa the same thing is true, as in Uganda and Kenya.

乌干达发生用儿童祭祀神明事件。Many Childern were Killed in Uganda to Sacrifice the God.

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乌干达的圣主抵抗军就是一个完美的例子。The Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda is a perfect example.

前NBA球员是由射击队在乌干达执行?Was a former NBA player executed by firing squad in Uganda?

但是,在乌干达因特网服务慢而且不可靠。But Internet service in Uganda proved slow and undependable.

我是军火商,把致命武器买给乌干达。And I am the arms merchant, selling deadly weapons to Uganda.

卡托是“乌干达性少数派”组织的一名活动人士。Kato was an activist with the group Sexual Minorities Uganda.

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翠鸟猎食在王后伊丽莎白国家公园,乌干达。Kingfishers hunting at Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda.

因此,他们在乌干达搜集并分析胎盘。They therefore collected and analysed placentas on site in Uganda.

乌干达并非作为管理新理念的实验平台而出名。UGANDA is not best known as a testbed for new ideas in governance.