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这是最新的一个,刚从国际刑警组织传过来的。Here's the latest candidate, just in from Interpol.

国际刑警突袭那儿,却不知何故,哥哥又逃脱了抓捕。Interpol swooped in, but somehow my brother evaded their grasp.

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他们提醒国际刑警组织,罪犯可能是男扮女装或假扮成女人。They warn Interpol that the criminal may be disguised as women.

国际刑警组织协助掌握这些凶嫌的行动。Interpol helps track the movements of these unsavory characters.

即使这样,车刑警再度询问的时候,金度恒还是否认。Even so, the car Interpol starts to ask again, gold constant or deny.

如果她蔑视法庭,我们将通知国际刑事警察组织。Were she to be found in contempt of court, Interpol could be notified.

它是由国际刑警组织协调,在IMPACT的组织下执行的。It was coordinated by Interpol and carried out under the umbrella of IMPACT.

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现在逮捕他的警报已经遍及所有国际刑警组织会员国。Now the alert for his detainment has spread across all Interpol member states.

PSI与世界卫生组织以及国际刑警组织合作,交换关于制假的信息。PSI works with the WHO and Interpol to exchange information on counterfeiting operations.

该中心设在华盛顿的办事处就有来自加拿大、墨西哥及国际刑警组织的调查人员。The center in Washington, for instance, includes agents from Canada, Mexico and Interpol.

国际刑警组织甚至收到一个成员国的要求,发出通缉令逮捕他。A member country of the Interpol has once requested the Interpol to issue a warrant for His arrest.

郑先前是统一教信徒,现因涉嫌性侵女信徒而被国际刑警组织缉捕。Jung, a former Moonie, is wanted by Interpol on suspicion of sexually abusing his female followers.

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诺布尔说,国际刑警组织和亚洲警察之间有很多成功合作的范例。Noble says there are many examples of the successful cooperation between Interpol and police in Asia.

他于1943年至1945年就任国际刑警组织主席,在那时摧毁帝国内部的敌人。He was president of Interpol from 1943 to 1945, and was there to destroy the enemies within the Reich.

当我转过身来,却看见那个一直跟着我的国际警察正在盯着我,他站在街道的拐角处。When I turned around, I saw the same Interpol man looking at me, standing in the corner of the street.

国际刑警组织有188个成员国,从1923年以来一直从事打击国际犯罪的行动。Interpol is a 188-country police organization that has worked since 1923 to combat international crime.

金承佑在电视剧中饰演刑警科科长郑日道,二人在剧中是竞争对手关系。JinChengYou in TV plays Interpol coco, two people long ZhengRi word in the play is competitor relations.

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欧足联给出了一份96页的报告,指控不同杯赛中的15场比赛有假球的可能。Uefa has given a 96-page report to Interpol alleging that 15 games in a variety of competitions were fixed.

如果招提供的狂妄和杰克和梅格有神秘感,那麽谁是国际刑警组织提供的风格。If the Strokes provided the swagger and Jack and Meg had the mystery, then it was Interpol who supplied the style.

在所谓的“丘辟特行动”中,国际刑警组织递交了证据,中国政府逮捕了三名嫌疑人。In what was dubbed Operation Jupiter, Interpol handed over the evidence, and the Chinese government arrested three suspects.