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话语以白人男性为主。Discourse is white male-based.

尚存论说的群体即是市场。The community of discourse is the market.

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无论思想或谈话,全像个疯子。My thoughts and my discourse as mad mens are.

无论思想或谈话,全像个疯子。My thoughts and my discourse as madman's are.

我作了一项有关教育改革的论述.I gave a discourse on educational reformation.

在精神分析的论述里,如何定义白痴行为?How define imbecility in the analytic discourse?

话语分析是现代语言学研究的新领域。Discourse analysis is a new branch in linguistics.

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即反等级制度和权威性话语。That anti-hierarchy and authority of the discourse.

媒体时代、道德失序、话语重构?。Media Age, Moral Disorder, Discourse Reconstruction?

道理就是人们听到了太多关于话语的东西。This is the reason one hears so much about discourse.

批评性话语分析已有30年的发展历史。Critical discourse analysis has a hist ory of 30 years.

假设如此,话语就是思维的样板。In that case, discourse is the sample plate of mindset.

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我们作为妇女担心这种双重话语。And we as women are worried about this double discourse.

对话性指话语中存在两个以上相互作用的声音。Dialogism refers to the interactive voices of discourse.

这就是阿斯塔在这个题目上富有同情心的讲话。It is Ashtar's compassionate discourse upon this subject.

这位语言学家正在研究话语分析的方法。The linguist is studying the method of discourse analysis.

无意识,拉康写到,是它者的话语。The Unconscious, Lacan writes, is the discourse of the Other.

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好的朋友和好的谈话,是美德的精华所在。Good company and good discourse are the very sinews of virtue.

所以历史和话语之间的关系是双向的。So the relationship between history and discourse is reciprocal.

在此我们看到由精神分析论述研究的这个转捩点。Here we see the turning point investigated by analytic discourse.