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老人在拱形楼附近趔趄了一下。The old man stumbled near the archway.

栎树形成一条林荫拱道。Venerable oaks forms a sylvan archway.

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古老的栎树形成一条林荫拱道。Venerable oaks forms a sylvan archway.

他骑自行车来到阿奇维路。He steered his cycle into Archway Road.

一条大拱道直通向一座庭院。A big archway leads through into a courtyard.

在通往机场的路上有一座拱门。There is an archway on the way to the airport.

他们的头顶上是一道花的拱廊。The flowers formed an archway above their heads.

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他弓着腰向前,穿过拱形的通道。He crept forward and stepped through the archway.

我们穿过石拱门进入院子。We went through a stone archway into the courtyard.

是中国现存古代牌坊中最大的一座。It is the largest extant ancient memorial archway in China.

两座建筑物之间的拱道已经覆盖上了玻璃。The archway between the two buildings had been glassed over.

狄宁深吸一口气,小心翼翼地踏进拱门。Dinin took a deep breath and gingerly stepped to the archway.

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春节,村子里搭起了高高的彩牌楼。The villagers put up a tall archway to celebrate Spring Festival.

我们将连夜施工,修起一个围挡将牌楼圈起来。We will work into the night to erect a barrier around the archway.

如果由西盘路上山,可以看见“齐烟九点”的牌坊。If the mountain West Road plate, can see the" tiny" memorial archway.

他们可以训练攀登再加上一拱门或以上您的门口。They can be trained to climb on top of an archway or over your doorway.

每一个城楼,每一个牌楼,都可以从老远就看见。Every city gate tower and decorated archway can be seen from a distance.

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灯光能够专注于一个凉亭,园林的建筑特色,或牌坊。Lighting can focus on a gazebo, garden architectural feature, or archway.

天空足够黑的话,你可以看到这条由星星组成的弧线从参宿四旁流过。Given a dark sky, you can see this archway of stars running by Betelgeuse.

该坊形制为四柱三门三重檐、三开间牌楼坊。There are four column, three gates, three brims , three openings in the archway.