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从弗洛依德德观点谈梦。Dreams from a Freudian standpoint.

从精神分析的观点来看,梦是这样的。Dream is, from a Freudian standpoint.

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我们想接触诸如大学校园这样的社区。I guess it depends on your standpoint.

根据凯皮的观点,这些同胞全是大富豪。From Kepi's standpoint they are all nabobs.

从碳足迹的角度来看,扎啤当然是最环保的。Certainly from a carbon footprint standpoint.

我们刚刚只从分析法的角度来研究。We looked at it from an analytical standpoint.

从安全角度看,这也许是一种优点。This can be a bonus from a security standpoint.

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从财务的观点,它将会狠好。From a financial standpoint it's gonna be great.

而我个人的观点是倾向于自由浮动派。I am inclined to the standpoint of value-free theory.

这一观点似乎成了瘦身的真理。"This standpoint seems the truth of weight reduction.

我们还没有,从构图的出发点来研究。I have not talked about it from a graphical standpoint.

这就好比是谈,牛顿的力学系统。It is a Newtonian system from the mechanical standpoint.

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这个问题是否从纳税人的立场上考虑过?Has the matter been viewed from the taxpayers' standpoint?

我们回到刚才的地方,从热力学的角度来研究。Let's go back and look at it from an energetic standpoint.

此外,我是以一个油画家的角度来谈论绘画的。Also, I write mostly from the standpoint of an oil painter.

要想硬逼他改变自己的立场是办不到的。He will never be bullied into any change of his standpoint.

从安全的角度来说,这种有针对的传播方法很聪明。The targeted approach is smarter from a security standpoint.

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古浦迈先生也将此作为了效率制胜策略的立足点。Koopman takes this as the standpoint for his efficiency strategy.

从基础设施搭建的角度来看这意味这什么呢?What does it mean from the standpoint of infrastructure building?

跟着时间的推移,置信还会有新的观念呈现。Along with horary of change, believe to also appear new standpoint.