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收集你的玩具。Gather your playthings.

我去收集柴火。I'll go gather firewood.

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我猜想你不同意。I gather that you disagree.

请给我采几束花来。Please gather me some flowers.

蜜蜂从花朵上采集花蜜。Bees gather nectar from flowers.

收缩你的肌肉后再跳。Gather up your muscles and jump.

把你的玩具从地上统统拾起来。Gather your toys from the floor.

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趁你有可能,快采摘含苞的玫瑰。Gather ye rose -buds while ye may.

采摘含苞的玫瑰要得趁早。Gather ye rose-buds while you may.

物以类聚。Birds of a feather flock to gather.

把它们收集起来打成一个结。Gather them and tie them in a knot.

其他人则将聚集在祖科蒂公园。Others will gather in Zuccotti Park.

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在田野上做聚礼的穆斯林。Muslims gather for worship on a farm.

我们聚是一瓢三千水。We gather that the water Yipiao 3000.

看护之家的成员们聚在一起做晨间祷告。Residents gather for a morning prayer.

我们必须把人聚集到我们这一边。We must gather the people to our side.

一群群的蜜蜂在玫瑰丛中聚集。Hordes of bees gather in the rose bush.

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叫她用一把皮镰收割。And gather it all in a bunch of heather.

将收割了的用石南花扎成一束。And gather it all in a bunch of heather.

然后用一束石南把庄稼全扎好。And gather it all in a bunch of heather.