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这是亟待解决的问题还是最终问题?Is this an urgent issue or an eventual one?

不过,利兹联可能最后仍无法成为球迷们购买的对象。But Leeds may not be the eventual takeover target.

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天生我才必有用怎么表达?Heaven has endowed me with talents for eventual use.

最终大部分的生命将会灭绝。And the eventual wipeout of most of the life on earth.

对于Weld来说,最终的目标是让每个bean占据1k内存空间。The eventual aim is for Weld to use around 1k per bean.

他甚至还在为他以后回国存钱。He's even stashing away savings for his eventual return.

为最终解散民兵组织做出规划并提供资金。Plan and fund eventual demobilization program for militias.

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最终的资金损失,可能要达到千亿数量级。The eventual losses could run to several hundred billion dollars.

只能使用最终的发送操作对远程对象进行调用。Remote objects can be invoked only using the eventual send operation.

有袋类动物可能最终会在新的南方岛屿重新出现。Marsupials might make an eventual comeback in the new southern island.

超级巨星,名声远播,非常富有对难逃一死。Ok , huge star, great publicity , terrific money versus eventual death.

曼联打进了半决赛,输给了最后的赢家皇马。United reached the semi-finals, losing to eventual winners Real Madrid.

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最终的退休不会是一种解脱,倒像是令人畏缩的无期徒刑判决。Eventual retirement looms not as a release but as a daunting life sentence.

他们英亩紧急状态更而且负责任损伤吨事或动物分遣队。They are not moreover responsible of eventual damages to things or animals.

他对几何学的研究促进了积分学的发展。His work in geometry aided in the eventual development of integral calculus.

但是,这项研究成果能为最终的清洁能源产品点亮成功之路。But the work could light one path to the eventual production of cleaner energy.

而且,美元对应放松银根而最终疲软,也是一种“周期延迟”的现象。And eventual dollar weakness in response to easing is a 'late-cycle' phenomenon.

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而实验方法的最终出现在很大程度上要归功于这一基督教母体。The eventual rise of the experimental method owes much to that Christian matrix.

这样皮肤会产生白色的斑块,知道最后全身都是白的。The result is patches of white skin and eventual whitening of areas of the body.

艾尔默把这块痣看作是妻子伤心,致病和死亡的迹象。Aylmer saw the mark as a sign of his wife's eventual sadness, sickness and death.