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包退包换包赔制度。A small package or bundle.

我已捆好了包裹。I have tied up the bundle.

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他收集了一捆树枝。He collected a bundle of sticks.

我试图把它收到一只袋子里。I tried to bundle it into a bag.

不,这是属性的总和。No, it's a bundle of properties.

卸载所有资产的组合。Unloads all assets in the bundle.

那孩子是淘气包!That child is a bundle of mischief!

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他为什么要把那个男孩撵出去?What did he bundle the boy out for?

把包袱放在行李架上。Place the bundle on the luggage rack.

创建绑定包以访问服务器Set up the bundle to access the server

倒像是一团辉光云气。It looked like a bundle of glowing gas.

再加上,你还为自己的荷包省钱了。Plus, you save a whole bundle of money.

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我看见了一捆劈柴在地板上。I see a bundle of firewood on the floor.

用于对亚麻短纤维束进行加捻。Used to twist the flax short bundle fibers.

该如何紧致改善你的皮肤呢?Want to save a bundle and improve your skin?

一大包额外的“花式浆洗”送了过来。A bundle of extra "fancy starch" had come in.

她把她仅有的一些所有物绑成一捆。She tied up her few belongings into a bundle.

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在OSGi中,每个bundle都有其自己的类加载器。In OGSi, each bundle has its own class loader.

我生日时叔父给我寄来一个大包裹。My uncle sent me a large bundle on my birthday.

老兄,这个真棒。一定贵的要命吧?Man, that's amazing. It must have cost a bundle.