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两分钟以还你会上电视。You'll nevertheless be on air in two minutes.

小麻雀实在看不过去了。Small spadger looked to go nevertheless really.

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但部长们还是可以找到接受者的。But ministers may nevertheless find some takers.

我并不认为这是一个纳什均衡Nevertheless I claim this is not a Nash Equilibrium.

今天你的情绪会比较独断独行。Nevertheless you are in a self-assertive mood today.

尽管如此,谢勒还是决定要毕业并拿到学位。Nevertheless Shaler was determined to get his degree.

但是发展中国家仍然跃跃欲试。But developing countries are nevertheless raring to go.

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但这是当局必须承担的任务。Nevertheless authorities have to accept the assignment.

不过手续费方面没有什么不同。Without what poundage respect is different nevertheless.

那些总是自相矛盾的东西也进入了此身。What always contradicts itself nevertheless joins in him.

然而我在肉身活着,为你们更是要紧的。Nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you.

他们不过赢得了相当有益的34,662,000欧元。They nevertheless trousered a rather helpful euros 34.662.000.

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不过一个防守型边锋也能当一个进攻型边锋使用。Nevertheless a defensive wing can also play as an offensive one.

不过,犹太教的改革派却不受这些清规戒律的约束。Nevertheless , reform judaism does not follow these restrictions.

在许多国家被取缔,但童婚存在。Outlawed in many countries, child marriage nevertheless persists.

如果我们继续这个程序的开发,他们将会起诉我们。If we went ahead with the program, they would sue us nevertheless.

在精疲力竭了好一会后那脚又开始挣扎。Nevertheless after a pause of exhaustion the legs fluttered again.

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然而,他听见他们哀告的时候,就眷顾他们的急难。Nevertheless he regarded their affliction, when he heard their cry

然而现在自我纠正机制正加速运行。But nevertheless the self-correction is now entering a higher gear.

不过有一些聪明的汤锅已经克服了这些毛病。Nevertheless a few clever stockpots had overcome these shortcoming.