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左室每搏功指数。LVSWI, left ventricular stroke work index.

病种主要为房、室间隔缺损。Disease is mainly ventricular sepal defect.

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急性酶解分离出右室心肌细胞。Right ventricular myocytes were enzymatically isolated.

准备并接受一个外部脑室外引流包。Prepare and connect an external ventricular drainage bag.

反映左室收缩功能降低。The worse left ventricular contractive function appeared.

在严重高血钾时可以出现心室纤颤。Ventricular fibrillation can occur in severe hyperkalemia.

在这两个模型中,这样的现象均伴随着室颤。In both models, this was accompanied by ventricular fibrillation.

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这扩张和增大的心脏是室壁瘤。This enlarged and dilated heart has a large ventricular aneurysm.

其最常见的起源部位是心室流出道。The most common original site of IVT is ventricular outflow tract.

先天性心室憩室是一种少见的心脏畸形。Congenital ventricular diverticulum is a rare cardiac malformation.

心室颤动是一种致命性的恶性心律失常。Ventricular fibrillation is a live-threatening malignant arrhythmia.

潜在的发展儿茶酚胺室性心动过速。"develop" the potential of "ventricular" tachycardia catecholamines.

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超声心动图测定左心室质量指数。Left ventricular mass index was measured by two-dimentional echocardiography.

分别为心搏骤停和左心功能不全。The death were attributed to cardiac arrest and left ventricular dysfunction.

心脏Holter动态监测没有发现显著的房性或室性心律紊乱。Holter monitor was negative for significant atrial or ventricular arrhythmias.

右心室心肌梗塞的早期诊断和治疗。Early diagnosis and treatment of acute right ventricular myocardial infarction.

左心室充盈压平均从22毫米汞柱降到12毫米汞柱。Left ventricular filling pressure was lowered from an average of 22 to 12 mmHg.

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左室前负荷、收缩功能改善。Left ventricular preload and systolic function were improved after the closure.

患者接受了外部减压和脑室外引流。The patient underwent external decompression and external ventricular drainage.

高血压与左心室高电压及ST-T改变有较密切关系。Hypertension is highly related to left ventricular high voltage and ST T changes.