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船于17点停靠码头。The ship dock at 17.00.

与“方舟天使”号停靠在一起。Dock with the Ark Angel.

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它马上就要掉下码头了。It tips off of the dock.

码头的其他舰艇。Other ships at the dock.

然后,我们来到了码头。Then, we go to the dock.

你船将在协调世界时0920时靠泊。You will dock at 0920 UTC.

那个盗窃犯站在被告席上。The thief stood in the dock.

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把卡尔加带到特洛阿斯码头。Bring Kalkas to the Dock at Troas.

也许是集装箱码头。Perhaps it's a containerized dock.

船驶近码头时他们停止了划桨。They easied on approaching the dock.

液压登车桥是小型起重机械的一种。Hydraulic dock ramp is a small crane.

这个船坞是设计用来维修的。This dock was designed for repairing.

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贪官站在被告席上。The corrupt official stood in the dock.

这条船已入坞修理。The ship was in dock for major repairs.

这个星期我来不了。我的车待修。I can't come this week. My car's in dock.

若干地区存在船台及船坞等资本的过度供给。Some areas are slack in slipway and dock.

一艘新船从干船坞下水。A new ship was launched from the dry dock.

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干的船坞和一个潜艇模型。The dry dock and a model of the submarine.

记着,永远不要靠近码头的这一部分。Always stay away from that part of the dock.

巴比康第一个跨过船坞。Barbicane was the first to set foot on dock.