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说白了,它也是一种降级的方法吗?。Is it just a way to downgrade?

美国信用降级的时钟开始发出滴答声。The downgrade clock began to tick.

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你不可小看那个小男孩。You can't downgrade the litte boy.

增加了为BB5系列电话的降级选择。Firmware Downgrade option for BB5 phones.

是什么原因致使思域品牌遭遇这种降级呢?But what caused this downgrade of Civic’s brand?

若降级注定不可避免,那么这就是最良性的结果。This was the most benign outcome, if a downgrade was to happen.

美国债信评级下调是否会使奥巴马无法连任?Will the U.S. credit downgrade could make Obama a one-term president?

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这种缺陷将直接影响推理的性能。The defects of truth-values seriously downgrade the reasoning performance.

这还让升级和降级软件包更加方便。It also keeps your upgrade and downgrade more conviently packaged together.

在华尔街看来,国债评级下调已是既成事实。Wall Street eminences are already treating the downgrade as a fait accompli.

另一个因素是此次评级下调一级只是一家评级机构所为。Another factor is that the one-notch downgrade was by just one ratings agency.

这个降级去掉了一个预定义缩写的功能。The downgrade removed a feature which allowed you to pre-define abbreviations.

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美国主权信用评级的下调令部分国际热钱转移。Hot money inflows will see major re-allocations due to the US ratings downgrade.

他表示,葡萄牙评等遭调降为持续抛售欧元提供了好的理由.The downgrade of Portugal was a good excuse to keep selling euros, Woolfolk said.

信用降级之后,奥巴马总统发表了演讲以示回应,您对此如何评价?What did you think of the speech President Obama gave in response to the downgrade?

我认为美国评级被调降的机会现在已非不可能.I would say that the chance of a U.S. ratings downgrade is now more likely than not.

直到厄瓜多尔违约一个月前,标普才真正将厄瓜多尔主权信用评级下调至CCC。S&P didn't actually downgrade the sovereign to CCC until one month before the default.

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尽管遭遇降级,但抵押担保证券的需求周一仅略有缓和。Demand for mortgage-backed securities cooled only slightly Monday, despite the downgrade.

你难道没有从当年雷曼兄弟倒闭和最近标普下调美国评级中学到任何东西吗?Didn't the collapse of Lehman and the recent S&P downgrade of the U.S. teach you anything?

一些经济分析家们问,在什么时候评级机构在美国才能走下坡?At what point, some financial analysts ask, do rating agencies downgrade the United States?