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一些商人以贩卖军火赚钱。Some merchants make money by way of munitions.

继续其他军需品的数字统计。Other munitions production figures are as follows.

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某些军火商人是真正的战争贩子。Some of the munitions merchants are real warmongers.

封锁船封锁港口,阻止军需物品的运送。The blockading ships prevented delivery of munitions.

空军装备中心为空军与海军研发空降装备。The AAC develops airborne munitions for the Air Force and Navy.

国防军半履带喷火器升级价格从100弹药降低为75弹药。Wehrmacht Flammenwerfer upgrade cost reduced from 100 to 75 munitions.

至少有三枚集束弹在米苏拉塔市爆炸。And, at least three cluster munitions exploded over the city of Misrata.

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在这场战争中我们落败的原因不仅仅只是军需品的短缺。The reason why we lost the war was not just because of a shortage of munitions.

他很快让温斯顿回到政府,成为军需品大臣。He immediately brought winston back into the government as minister of munitions.

会不会停止向我们的军队提供燃料及弹药的承包商提供支付?Will it stop paying the contractors supplying fuel and munitions to our military?

盟军M3半履带车.50四管防空炮升级消耗弹药从100增加到125。Allied M3 Halftrack Quad . 50 cal upgrade cost increased to 125 munitions from 100.

他指出,集束弹本身不会分辨平民和军事目标。He notes cluster munitions do not discriminate between civilian and military targets.

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世界军火交易市场,美国、英、法各占百分之几?How much of the world market for munitions trade is taken up by America?England?France?

在今年早些时候的边境冲突中泰国向柬埔寨发射了集束弹。Thailand fired cluster munitions into Cambodia earlier this year during a border dispute.

贩卖军火伤天害理的事情怎么是我们中国政府做的呢?Would our Chinesev government do something as impudent and outrageous as peddle munitions?

该系统对推进高新技术弹药的发展有重要意义。Therefore insensitive munitions, especially Hi-Tech munitions technique progress is impelled.

据说这些作战物资是由圣安东尼郊区一个名叫贝班的食品杂货店老板供给的。It was said that these munitions came from a grocer in the Faubourg Saint-Antoine named Pepin.

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军用武器和武器系统部件占挪威军需品出口额的半数以上。More than half of Norway's munitions exports comprised military weapons and parts for weapons.

他指出,在当前的军事冲突中,利比亚政府军使用了120枚集束弹。He notes Libyan government forces used 120 cluster munitions during the current armed conflict.

装甲精英反坦克炮半履带击毁履带技能弹药消耗由25增加为40。Panzer Elite AT Halftrack Treadbreaker ability cost increased from 25 munitions to 40 munitions.