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该病主要表现为咳嗽、呼吸困难、急性死亡。When the disease occure, the caprine shows cough, dyspnoea and die acutely.

并发症为发热、恶心呕吐、胸痛、打嗝、呼吸困难。The complications occurred with fever, vomiting, chest pain, hiccup and dyspnoea.

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在治疗初始和终末呼吸困难评估在安慰剂组和伊洛前列素组之间类似。Dyspnoea measures were similar between placebo and iloprost at baseline and at the end of therapy.

改善呼吸困难成为临床治疗、试验以及新因子调控的重要目标。Despite its importance as a treatment target, no consensus exists on how to assess dyspnoea in this setting.

CBPP的症状表现为厌食、发热和呼吸道症状,如呼吸困难、咳嗽和流鼻液。CBPP is manifested by anorexia, fever and respiratory symptoms, such as dyspnoea , cough and nasal discharges.

妇女的呼吸困难和缺氧经保守治疗后逐渐缓解并于7天后出院。The woman's dyspnoea and hypoxia settled gradually with conservative management and she was discharged 7 days later.

然而慢性肺病的呼吸困难则被认定为不适当的剧烈程度活动所致。However, the dyspnoea of chronic pulmonary disease is recognized as inappropriately severe for the level of exertion.

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喷雾式吗啡可以减轻肺间质病患者呼吸困难的假设,无法由这个单一小型随机对照试验确认。The hypothesis that nebulized morphine may reduce dyspnoea in patients with interstitial lung disease has not been confirmed in the single small RCT identified.

喷雾式吗啡可以减轻肺间质病患者呼吸困难的假设,无法由这个单一小型随机对照试验确认。The evidence to support the use of nebulized morphine to improve dyspnoea and exercise limitation in terminally ill patients with chronic lung disease is conflicting.

两个婴儿临床症状表现出肾上腺右侧大规模,一个婴儿的纵隔肿瘤压迫气管造成立即产后呼吸困难。Two clinically asymptomatic infants showed a suprarenal right-sided mass, one infant had a mediastinal tumour with tracheal compression causing immediate postnatal dyspnoea.

患猪的临床特征是进行性消瘦、呼吸困难、黄疸,皮肤苍白,病变为间质性肺炎、腹股沟浅淋巴结肿大,肝炎和肾脏发炎。The disease is characterized by weight loss, dyspnoea and jaundice combined with the pathological findings of interstitial pneumonia, enlarged lymph nodes, hepatitis and nephritis.

问卷中体能方面的分数与运动耐量、呼吸困难及日常活动相关,而心理方面的分数与焦虑和抑郁密切相关。Physical domain scores of the questionnaires correlated with exercise tolerance, dyspnoea and daily activities, while psychological domains correlated strongly with anxiety and depression.