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年度性审核并评估本章成的适足性。Review and assess the adequacy of this charter annually.

确保质量管理体系的适宜性、充分性和有效性。To ensure the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of QMS.

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我们将依据投标人拟采用的系统之充分性来评估其标书。Bids will be evaluated on the basis of the adequacy of the system proposed.

术中使用重复校准确定切除充分。Reregistration allowed intraoperative confirmation of adequacy of excision.

正是在这些领域中,必须评价我们业绩的适当性。It is in these areas where the adequacy of our performance must be measured.

可先检视该轮制动管路是否漏油,轮胎气压是否充足。Can view the first round of brake oil pipe is, the adequacy of tire pressure.

在这些情况,SpO2不会提供通供通气充足的信息。In these circumstances, SpO2 gives no information about adequacy of ventilation.

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作为一个复杂的综合决策问题,对电力系统解列控制的研究还很不充分。As a complex decision problem, the studies on splitting control are far below adequacy.

如果是吃肉的人,只需要几种就足够营养了A narrower array of foods is necessary for nutritional adequacy if people are eating meat.

评估业绩测评系统的充分性和公司目标的实现情况。Assess the adequacy of the performance measurement system, achievement of corporate objective.

研究电网可靠性评估中计及气候条件因素的问题。Study the question for incorporating weather effects in bulk power system adequacy evaluation.

个人资料保护水平适当性制度是欧盟有关跨境资料转移中个人资料法律保护体制的基石。The adequacy in data protection system is a core tool for the EU to regulate transborder data flows.

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研究电网可靠性评估中考虑最优负荷削减的问题。Study the question for considering optimal load curtailment in bulk power system adequacy evaluation.

监管机构要顾及很多事情,但保险业监管机构,最为关心的是资本充足率The regulators do many things, but insurance regulators, most of all, are concerned with capital adequacy.

找到一些级别的覆盖率后,您可以更仔细地检查这些测试案例来验证它们是否足够了。On finding some level of coverage, you could more closely examine those test cases to verify their adequacy.

当断面张开部分足够长时,在正向应力作用下发生快速扩展,微观形成疲劳辉纹。The crack celerity expand to form the fatigue striation when puff part adequacy long in the positive stress.

投资者将以百倍的兴致关注对审计人的选派以及他们的报酬是否充足。Investors would take a much keener interest in the appointment of auditors and the adequacy of their remuneration.

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研究电网可靠性评估中考虑最优负荷削减的问题。This paper studies the question for considering optimal load curtailment in bulk power system adequacy evaluation.

采购文件发出前,制造业者应对规定要求之适切性加以审查与核准。The supplier shall review and approve purchasing documents for adequacy of specified requirements prior to release.

还有关于营养充分的问题,这样看,肉类较植物来说是更好的食物There were also issues about nutritional adequacy and meat turned out to be a better overall food than most plants.