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有人行为过度了,就变成了侵略。People overshoot the mark. There is aggression.

为减小超调量,采用了微分反馈。Derivate feedback is adopted to decrease the overshoot.

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而且,有效市场假说还承认,市场调节可能不足,也可能过量。Also EMH now agrees that markets can undershoot or overshoot.

对于堵转情况,提出了堵转与超调之间的关系式。The relation between the stall and overshoot of speed is found.

成本价格螺旋上升趋势可以由超调利率来打破。This cost-price spiral could be broken with an interest rate overshoot.

偏见影响过头或欠该议案通过关键帧。Bias affects the overshoot or undershoot of the motion through the keyframe.

SDR电阻限制电流,因此减少信号负过冲和超限噪声。The SDRs limit the current, thereby reducing signal undershoot and overshoot noise.

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过渡过程的幅值与计程仪加速度误差的积分值成正比。The amplitude of overshoot is linear with the integral of log's acceleration error.

目的设计并实现高精度、快速、无超调、无抖动特性的天地景投影伺服系统。Aim To realize a background projection system of high accuracy, speed, and non overshoot.

结果表明,TVS有较强的吸收能力,但存在较大的过冲现象。The results show that, TVS has better absorption, but the phenomenon of overshoot exists.

能通过自调运算法实现自动控制温度,具有过载及波动极小的特点。Self-tuning algorithm automatically controls temperature with minimal overshoot and ripple.

同时说明主销后倾角对横摆角速度超调量有阻尼作用。This also indicates some damping nature of caster angle with respect to yaw rate overshoot.

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撞车事故时过去一年里16次列车事故中最为严重的一次。The overshoot was the worst of at least 16 such incidents involving Siemens trains this year.

子弹没有射中目标,而是越过去了,于是有了overshoot这个词。Instead of hitting the target, the bullet flew over the target, which led to the word overshoot.

另一方面,在高应变率,都超下冲不会出现。On the other hand, in the case of high strain rate, both overshoot and undershoot do not appear.

依照被看见在图3,超越并且下射没出现在注重受控情况下。As seen in Fig. 3, both overshoot and undershoot do not appear under stress-controlled condition.

仿真试验表明,单神经元自适应PID控制具有快速、无超调的特性。The simulation tests show that the single neural adaptive PID control has no overshoot and is more speedy.

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电路具有双向行程自锁功能,有效保护机头过冲。The motor has two-way stroke self-locking function, effectively protecting the machine head from overshoot.

再通过调节因子调节控制规则,超调最小时的调节因子的值即为最佳值。By adjusting the adjustive factor to minimize the overshoot of output, we can get the best adjustive factor.

在理想情况下,输出能无延迟、无超调地跟踪输入指令的变化。In the ideal case, the output is able to track the changes of the input command without delay and overshoot.