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你觉得昆汀的剧本如何?How did you and Quentin interact?

我们与环境相互影响。We interact with our environment.

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我们怎样与这个东西互动?How do we interact with this thing?

实际上,代码是与其使用者相互作用的。In fact they interact with the user.

这博客是否与读者互动?Does this blogger interact with readers?

与其他全球用户容量。Interact with other mBit users globally.

动词和构式义相互作用。Verb and construction interact each other.

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你如何协助你的扶轮少年服务团成功?How do you help your Interact club succeed?

同学们有深入交流。So they really get to interact quite a bit.

不能够再有交流。We're no longer able to interact with them.

两个“机甲演员”彼此进行互动。Two RoboThespians interact with one another.

我该如何安装该工具并与其进行相互?How do I install and interact with that tool?

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用户看到并与这些组件交互。Users see and interact with these components.

其它系统与该系统交互什么?What other systems interact with this system?

你不知道该吃什么,怎么与人互动。You wouldn't know what to eat, how to interact.

现实世界中R-C电路会相互作用。Real world R-C circuit interact with each other.

SOA卓越中心将如何与项目团队来往?How will the SOA COE interact with project teams?

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若照顾者不常跟小婴儿互动。If the carer does not often interact with the baby.

你的脸和你的情绪是相互关系的。It states that your mug and your emotions interact.

各个阶层的人们都受到了影响,而且相互影响。I mean, various layers have been--and they interact.