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薄煎饼和香肠是早餐桌上的可怕搭配。Pancakes and sausage are the dastardly duo of the breakfast table.

巴基斯坦外交部称这次埋伏袭击是一次“卑鄙的恐怖行为。”The foreign ministry called the ambush a "dastardly terrorist act."

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让我们设想有这么个人可以自欺欺人地怀着这种想法。Let's suppose someone were dastardly enough to harbor such thoughts.

他们说谎是为了掩饰卑鄙的罪行还仅仅是为了让自己在社会上更加吃打开?Are they covering up dastardly crimes or just oiling the social wheels?

为啥美国政府如此确信华为正在搞这些卑鄙的行为?。WHY is the American government so sure that Huawei is doing these dastardly acts?

加入切尼卑怯和刚在所有的赛车乐趣和疯狂,古怪种族风格!Join Dick Dastardly and the gang in all the racing fun and madness, Wacky Races style!

共和党的怀疑派迅速对使美国放弃美元这一卑鄙阴谋做出警告。The paranoid wing of the Republican Party promptly warned of a dastardly plot to make America give up the dollar.

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然而,我认为杀死本拉登会导致很多极端分子实施各种卑鄙的行为。I think, however, that the killing of Bin Laden will motivate extremists to carry out a variety of dastardly deeds.

随着时间的流逝找到链,鱼和一些同事水手仍忠于科布必须挫败赤霉病的卑鄙计划。With time running out to find the Chain, Fish and some fellow shipmates still loyal to Cobb must thwart Scab's dastardly plan.

在最新的这部哈利波特开场,卑鄙的食死族就向麻瓜世界和魔法世界展开了猛烈的进攻。Things start powerfully in this latest instalment as both Muggle and wizarding worlds are under attack from dastardly Death Eaters.

在加长的圣诞剧集中我们看到Robin终于见到了国王Richard,并且把诺丁汉长官卑鄙的计划告诉了他。A double Christmas episode would see Robin finally meet up with King Richard and warn him of the Sheriff of Nottingham's dastardly plans.

这个以愤怒的的红色小鸟将自己弹射到卑鄙的绿色蠢猪为特征的著名游戏,刚刚打到了2亿下载的标志。The popular game, which features furious red fowl catapulting themselves at dastardly green swine, just hit the 200 million download mark.

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“牙岛”是法治奇怪的医生吨,谁是培养人吃植物和有他自己的卑怯的计划,为大英帝国。Tooth Island" is ruled by the strange Doctor T, who is cultivating man-eating plants and has his own dastardly plans for the British Empire."

阻止碘盐推广的是一些谣言,有谣言说碘盐实际上是一种避孕药,是其他人的一个阴谋,他们要阻止穆斯林繁衍后代。One of the obstacles is the rumor that iodized salt is actually a contraceptive, a dastardly plot by outsiders to keep Muslims from having babies.

但若在他还没来得及与他的卑怯的对手交锋之前就被其用机关枪扫倒,你又会怒不可遏地为他复仇。Michael if he kills Lucifer, or burn to avenge him if his dastardly adversary mows him down with a machine-gun before he can get to grips with him.

除了他们,还有更多的怪人正等着一路追踪卑鄙的蓝将军和三颗失窃的龙珠而来的小悟空呢。These bizarre characters and many more await Goku as he searches the countryside for the dastardly General Blue and the three missing Dragon Balls!

英雄角色自然会本能地抗争,并阻止计划Y的实现。英雄角色们也能享受到战胜其卑鄙对手的片刻胜果。The heroes, naturally, oppose the completion of Plan Y and prevent it from succeeding. The heroes can savor a moment of triumph over their dastardly foe.

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人们纷纷议论博福特丑恶的懦夫行径,他的失败可能成为华尔街历史上最可耻的事件。The ugliest things were being said of Beaufort's dastardly manoeuvre, and his failure promised to be one of the most discreditable in the history of Wall Street.

为了赶在短笛大魔王和他的手下前面,龟仙人带着天津饭和饺子一起,马不停蹄的四处寻找着龙珠。Master Roshi takes Tien and Chiaotzu on a cross-country race for the Dragon Balls, as they try to stay ahead of the competition, King Piccolo and his dastardly horde.

巴基斯坦外交部谴责这次“怯懦的恐怖袭击”,并说正在采取一切手段确保索莱茨基的安全和迅速获释。Pakistan's foreign ministry condemned what it called a "dastardly terrorist attack, " and said all measures are being taken to ensure Solecki's safe and speedy recovery.