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他的新方法所起的作用是无法正确估计的。The effect of his new method is imponderable.

我们的技术知识资源是无法估量的。Our resources in technical knowledge are imponderable.

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我们无法估量的知识资源是不断发展永不枯竭的。Our imponderable resources in knowledge are constantly growing and are inexhaustible.

建设学习型社会,现代远程教育具有独特的地位和不可替代的作用。Modern distance education has its unique position and imponderable roll in building learning society.

超大型城市在规模经济效应和人口集聚效应上具有不可比拟的优势。The super large-scale cities have imponderable advantages on economic scale effect and population gathering.

在他的设计中,投资由充满活力的企业家控制,其前途不可限量。In his scheme, investment was governed by the animal spirits of entrepreneurs, facing an imponderable future.

她对现代舞的形成与发展所做的贡献是巨大的、不可估量的,无人能与之比肩的。Her contribution to the formation and development of modern dance is tremendous, imponderable and unmatchable.

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一个神话永远不可能有一个最终版本,因为它涉及到生命中更加无法估量的各个方面。There can never be a definitive version of a myth, because it refers to the more imponderable aspects of life.

这是否是人的基本特性的一部分,这是个无法琢磨的问题,没有几个经济学家认为有能力加以探讨。Whether it is part of the basic makeup of man is so imponderable that few economists feel qualified to explore.

把这种循环性的发展视为一种无重量的经济会更恰当一些。Regard development of this kind of circulative as a kind of imponderable economy the meeting is a few more appropriate.

没有人在他们正常的思维里能够相信世界上这样一个真实的事情,或者说被赋予那些有重量的和毫无重量哲学的困惑。Nobody in their right mind can believe such a thing given the facts on the ground, or given these weighty and imponderable philosophical dilemmas.

没有人在他们正常的思维里能够相信世界上这样一个真实的事情,或者说被赋予那些有重量的和毫无重量哲学的困惑。Nobody in their right mind can believe such a thing given the facts on the ground, or given these weighty and imponderable philosophical dilemmas. It's naïve.

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关于神州,最不可预料的是中产阶级,他们似乎满足于拿政治自由去交换收益的增长和稳定。The central moral imponderable with regard to China is the middle class, which up to now has seemed content to trade political freedom for rising incomes and stability.

从中国特有的国情出发决定了我国现阶段需要发展超大型城市。The situation of China decides that we need develop the super large-scale cities. The super large-scale cities have imponderable advantages on economic scale effect and population gathering.