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当然,棒球场上简直“电力十足”。Yeah, it's electric.

电风扇10元。Electric fan, 10 yuan.

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但只有电灯泡。But electric bulbs only.

炊具是电的。The cooker was electric.

光电管能起到眼睛的作用An electric eye can sense.

我的轮椅是电动的。My wheelchair is electric.

放电加工机“,”Electric Discharge Machine.

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这是电场。This is the electric field.

电动平车起重机械的一种。Electric flat car a lifting.

同性电流相斥。Like electric charges repel.

电灶是蓝色的。The electric cooker is blue.

你有吹风机吗?Do you have an electric drier?

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这孩子喜欢电动玩具。The child likes electric toys.

这个电炉很好煮。The electric stove cooks well.

电动车E6又如何呢?What about the E6 electric car?

是的,我床头有个电铃。Yes, there is an electric bell.

电水壶使用非常方便。An electric kettle is very handy.

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上海汇通能源股份有限公司。Shanghai Siyuan Electric Co. Ltd.

电热毯只有50瓦。Electric blanket is only 50 watts.

上海电力股份有限公司…Shanghai electric power co. , ltd.