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此情此景,即使人到白头也都还能记得。Even people dauphine to also can still remember.

此洞的洞口在丹芬阿尔斯山的高原上。The entrance to the cave is on a plateau in the Dauphine Alps.

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此洞的洞口在丹芬阿尔斯山的高原上。The entrance to the cave is on a plateau in the Dauphine alps.

此洞穴的入口在多芬阿尔卑斯山的一个高原上。The entrance to the cave is on a plateau in the dauphine alps.

我们在法国人居住区内的多芬街住的时间最长。We lived on Dauphine Street in the French Quarter for the longest time.

黄伟,清华大学和美国俄亥俄州立大学,教授。Emmanuel Monod, PhD, HDR Associate Professor, Paris Dauphine University.

不久,她被任命为新王妃的第二侍女。Before long, she was appointed second lady-in-waiting to the new dauphine.

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不久,她被任命为新王妃的第二侍女。Before long, she was appointed second lady–in-waiting to the new dauphine.

那一次邂逅,你打着一把小雨伞,款款走过,此情此景,如同水墨画一般。That time meet, you dozen a small umbrella, leisurely place dauphine walk, ink, as the general.

另外,俄的乌拉尔山脉、法国的杜法因呢和马达加斯加也有少量的出产。Citrine can also be found in the Ural Mountains of Russia, in Dauphine , France, and in Madagascar.

由法国巴黎九大著名教授负责面试,择优录取。Interview by well-know professors of Paris Dauphine University and admission of the best applications.

MIB学员带来多样化的课堂,包括国际大型企业参观、露天课堂、情景模拟等。Professors of Paris Dauphine University, American and British Universities bring diversified class for MIB students, including visiting large international enterprises, outdoor class, simulation etc.

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魁北克北城建立在悬崖上,至今仍然是宗教和行政中心。城区内有教堂、女修道院和一些纪念碑,如巴里耶芒要塞和弗隆特纳克堡。The Upper Town, built on the cliff, has remained the religious and administrative centre, with its churches, convents and other monuments like the Dauphine Redoubt, the Citadel and Chateau Frontenac.