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要确保你的耳朵与两肩等距离。Make sure your ears are equidistant from your shoulders.

它必须与最远处的弹奏的手指等距离。It must be equidistant from the extreme fingers that play.

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我们的房子离村中两家酒馆距离相等。Our house is equidistant from the two pubs in the village.

以我坐的地方为准,宇宙万物跟我的烟头距离相等。From where I sit, all the universe is equidistant from my cigarette.

旋轮线及其等距曲线均可车、镗、铣、磨。Cycloid and its equidistant curve can be turned, bored, milled and ground.

在检查者与受检者等距离处移动手指或物体至自身视野外。D. Move finger or object equidistant from you and client outside of own field of vision.

它是什么意思呢,就是说我们的q到3边距离应该相等。What does it mean? It means that our point q should be equidistant from all three sides.

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本课题研究的等距型面联接件属于复杂回转体的一种。Equidistant profile surface discussed in this paper is one of the complex revolved workpiece.

基于等距离匹配思想,提出一种快速的柱面全景图像拼接算法。Based on equidistant matching, a fast algorithm for cylindrical panoramic image mosaic is proposed.

但你看得到么,缺电子的地方分布在,与中心等距的一个球面上?But can you see that the centers of electron deficiency lie on a sphere equidistant from the center?

但你看得到么,缺电子的地方分布在,与中心等距的一个球面上?But can you see that the centers of electron deficiency lie on a sphere equidistant from the center?

本文讨论了用展成法加工非圆孔的原理,以加工等厚形三面孔为例,介绍了插刀设计与刃磨方法。Taking equidistant 3-profile hole as an example, the method of designing and grinding tool is intro- duced.

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最大食分曲线为所有点的轨迹,在那些地方,在给定的时间里达到最大食分。A plane curve formed by the locus of points equidistant from a fixed line and a fixed point not on the line.

其基本思想是利用与多边形两条边或三条边等距离的点的轨迹。Its basic idea is to use the locus of the points, which are equidistant from two or three sides of a polygon.

本文介绍了斜等距曲面的概念,证明了柱面的斜等距曲面的一些性质。In this paper, the concept of slant equidistant surface is introduced, some properties of cylinder are proved.

罗斯维尔位于普莱瑟郡,距离塞拉利昂内华达州和太平洋海岸几乎相同。Roseville is located in Placer County and is nearly equidistant from the Sierra Nevadas and the Pacific Coast.

用接触式量仪测量曲面,通常得到的测量数据是实际曲面的等距曲面。In contact measuring of a free surface, the data delivered construct an equidistant offset of the measured surface.

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对自然界断裂发育的等距性、断裂深度分布、位移分布规律进行了研究。It studies on the equidistant property of fault development, their depth distribution and the laws of displacement.

我把指头粗、直立的小塔随机的摆放试验,尽量使之匹配18米多的街宽,同时保证塔楼间大致相同的间隔。I sprevertical finger towers randomly over the site and managed to fit 18 or so on it with roughly equidistant spacing.

排补给站应该建立在排防御体系的中央,尽可能的与各个小队保持相等的距离。The Platoon Aid Station should be situated in the middle of the platoon's defense, close to equidistant from each squad.