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帮你妆点贫瘠的土地。To fertilize the infertile land.

该是给草坪上肥的时候了…It is time to fertilize the lawn.

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草木灰可以用来肥田。Plant ash can be used to fertilize the soil.

然而只有一个精子会让卵细胞受精。It takes only one sperm to fertilize the egg.

在春季和秋季之间要施肥。Fertilize a few times between the spring and fall.

若它们都是雌性,就要一只雄性来孵化她们的卵。If they are females, a male may fertilize their eggs.

肥料是施在地里使之肥沃的物质。Fertilizer is a substance put on land to fertilize it.

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如何引导卵子受精的精子细胞,它?How are sperm cells guided to the egg to fertilize it?

换句话说他们不能简单地自己和自己交配。In other words, they can’t simply fertilize themselves.

农民能用骆驼的粪便来给农作物施肥。Andfarmers can use camel west waste to fertilize their crops.

他们还可以为用来饲养牛和奶牛的谷类作物施肥。And they fertilize grain crops used to feed cattle and milk cows.

当第一朵花开之后,可以施些肥料。As soon as the first flower blooms, it's time to fertilize the soil.

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该播种机能播种多种作物种籽,还可播施肥料。The practical planter can seed various crop seeds and can fertilize.

你想没想过如何分离出一个精子来和一个卵子进行受精?Ever wonder how individual sperm are selected to fertilize a single egg?

为此手段他用公牛犁地并用粪肥使土地肥沃。For this purpose he uses the bull to plough and the manure to fertilize.

塘底的淤泥可以给庄稼当肥料。And mud from the bottom of the pond can beuseused to fertilize the crops.

动物排泄物和庄稼废物可以肥沃池塘也可喂鱼。Animal and crop waste can be used to fertilize the pond and feed the fish.

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我用堆肥器里堆出的肥料给花园的花儿施肥。I use the compost from the composter to fertilize the flowers in my garden.

两个精子与一个卵子受精时产生部分性葡萄胎。This is a partial mole that occurs when two sperms fertilize a single ovum.

以草饲养的牛的粪便可用来给土地施肥,而且这种牛肉也更健康。Grass-finished bovines fertilize their land, and their meat is healthier, too.