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木头是光滑的。The wood is smooth.

泰国航空如丝般体贴。Thai smooth as silk.

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我可以把它锉平。I can file it smooth.

平滑塔夫绸衬里。Smooth taffeta lining.

口感圆润滑顺。Round and smooth mouth.

泰航飞行,平滑如丝。Smooth as silk is Thai.

这缎子摸起来很滑溜。The satin feels smooth.

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生活并不总是顺顺利利的。Life is not always smooth.

丝绸摸上去又软又滑。Silk feel soft and smooth.

有微微的风和轻薄的雾。Smooth wind and light fog.

他刨平了这块木板。He planed the board smooth.

我希望缓和一下。I wanna smooth things over.

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丝绸摸上去又滑又软。Silk feels smooth and soft.

丝绸摸上去又软又滑。Silk feels soft and smooth.

丝绸摸上去很滑爽。The silk feels very smooth.

你的脸好滑顺喔。Your face is really smooth.

你的皮肤如丝般顺滑。Your skin is smooth as silk.

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把皱纹用熨斗熨平。Smooth wrinkles with an iron.

她的皮起肤摸起来光滑柔软。Her skin feels smooth and soft.

她的皮肤像缎子一样光滑。Her skin is as smooth as satin.