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描绘出案主与健康工作者之间。Constructed between the caregiver and health work.

阿兹海默症对病患的看护者有何影响?。Q. What effect can Alzheimer's disease have on a caregiver?

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当李欧的妈妈生病时,李欧承担起看护的角色。When Leo's mother got sick, Leo took on the role of her caregiver.

另案妻主要的健康问题为照顾者角色紧张。The major health problem of the caregiver was caregiver role strain.

而最后的十年中,穆里尔已无法认出自己的丈夫兼看护员。During the last decade, Muriel could not recognize her husband caregiver.

在列非尼动物保护中心,一只小猩猩紧紧抓住护理照料人员的手。A baby gorilla grasps the hand of a caregiver at the Lefini Faunal Reserve.

适合0-2岁,有家长陪同。有故事,歌曲,带著小朋友蹦蹦跳跳,度过快乐的时光!For ages 0-2, with a caregiver. Stories, songs, bouncing babies, and lots of smiles!

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很多人都和酗酒的或者饮酒过量的父母或者其他看护人一起生活。Lots of people live with a parent or caregiver who is an alcoholic or who drinks too much.

当你觉得孤独、无助时,让上苍保护你。上苍是最伟大的看护者。When you feel alone and in need , let God care for you. God is the greatest caregiver there is.

总之,住家保姆签证是您实现出国工作的最有效的办法。In short, live-in caregiver visa to work abroad is that you achieve the most effective approach.

梅尔女士是一位照顾老人的看护者,她的工作在人口逐渐老龄化的德国属于规模不断扩大的领域,这个行业的从业者主要都是女性。A caregiver for the elderly, Ms. Maier works in a female-dominatedgrowth sector in aging Germany.

适宜的喂养方法能够促进看护者与儿童之间的联系及儿童的社会心理发育。Appropriate feeding practices stimulate bonding with the caregiver and psycho-social development.

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自那时起,贝基,像成千上万残疾退伍军人的母亲一样,已承担起照顾儿子的主要任务。Since then, Becky, like thousands of mothers of disabled vets, has been her son's main caregiver.

发展与照料者的早期情感联系对婴儿的成长也很重要。Developing an early emotional connection to a caregiver is also critical for an infant’s well-being.

医护人员或者保险公司对病历使用不当将会导致民事或者刑事处罚。Improper use of records by a caregiver or insurer could result in both civil and criminal penalties.

对许多人而言,一谈起虐待老年人,就会想起受害者不熟悉的无情看护人形象。For many, elder abuse conjures an image of a heartless caregiver who is not well-known to the victim.

对罗杰斯来说,“自我实现”是一个自然的过程,然而它需要养育者的养育。For Rogers, "self- actualization " is a natural process, yet it requires the nurturance of a caregiver.

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此外,照顾人员可以协助患者进行日常的生活活动和离床活动。Moreover, the caregiver can assist the individual with daily living activities and assist with ambulation.

但是这些陈词滥调更多的是用来缓和看护人的恐惧而非病人的恐惧。But these banalities are more often designed to allay the fears of the caregiver than those of the patient.

证据显示,足够的养恤金和照顾者的支助,不仅可帮助老年人,而且有益于整个家庭。Evidence shows that adequate pensions and caregiver support help not only older persons but whole families.