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喂,米勒先生在吗?Hallo?Ist Herr Müller da?

米勒先生住在柏林。Herr Müller wohnt in Berlin.

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但是我的未来一直就在阿森纳。I am kept out by Patrick Müller.

穆勒马提尼是要求赔偿和禁令救济。Muller Martini is seeking damages and injunctive relief.

在巴布亚新几内亚偏远的穆勒·兰格山区新发现的一种蛙。A newly discovered frog in Papua New Guinea in the remote Muller range.

Muller和他的团队也运用了一种不同的方法来分析数据。Muller and his team also used a different approach to analysing the data.

现在,我们听听执行总裁安妮塔·马勒女士的意见。Now we'd like to hear from our Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Anita Muller.

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苹果公司女发言人特鲁迪·穆勒拒绝回应彭博社的这篇报道。Apple spokeswoman Trudy Muller declined to comment on the Bloomberg report.

在更远的将来,米勒希望能够生产9-1小型轿车和9-6跨界车。In the longer term, Muller wants to build a 9-1 small car and a 9-6 crossover.

穆勒医生说,病人常常会发现自己的观点是相互矛盾的。Dr. Muller says patients often find that their views are internally inconsistent.

米勒女士出生并成长于罗马尼亚的尼特基多夫,一个以德语为通用语言的小镇。Ms. Müller was born and raised in the German-speaking town of Nitzkydorf, Romania.

维维恩?穆勒这一绝妙的充电想法的灵感来自大自然。Vivien Muller came out with this great concept from nature to charge your gadgets.

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穆勒先生说他确定大众公司不也会因为排放事件而就此“瘫痪”。Mr Müller says he is determined that VW not be "paralyzed" by the emissions affair.

转子不平衡是粉碎机最常见的运动故障原因之一。The imbalance of the rotor is one of the familiar running malfunctions for the muller.

托马斯·穆勒在以职业球员征战顶级联赛的第一年就大放异彩。Thomas Muller has exploded onto the top flight scene in his first full season as a pro.

穆勒先生说,绿豆长势很好,因为它可以在少雨环境下生长。Mr. Muller says that crop did well because it can grow even when there is not much rain.

鲁尔集团董事长米勒致辞欢迎胡锦涛到鲁尔工业区考察。RAG chairman Müller delivered a welcome speech to Hu's visit to the Ruhr industrial area.

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时政题材的参赛电影穆勒对好莱坞偏见进行的指责,似乎也与花边事件国际化相契合。A Müller accused of Hollywood bias might also point to the internationalism of the sideshows.

因此,马天尼公司将主要精力放在了高端市场的研发和推广上…As a result , Muller Martini company will focus in the -end market development and promotion.

Muller说他已经听到了一些持怀疑论者的观点,但他仍然认为他们这项独立的分析毫无疑问是正确的。Muller says he listened to the sceptics and decided that an independent analysis was in order.