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民事行为能力三分法缺乏实用性。Trichotomy of civil liability lacks applicability.

对于体系架构化的快速应用程序的广泛适用性Broad applicability for architected rapid application

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目的探讨丙型肝炎病毒血清学分型的可行性。Objective To explore the applicability of HCV serotyping.

得到了水环热泵空调系统在我国的适用地区范围。Obtains a regional map of the WLHPS applicability in China.

而且维里定理对此类系统的适用性也没有明确结论。And the applicability of Virial theorem is not clear either.

"开放天空"条约在其他地方的适用性如何?What about applicability of the Open Skies Treaty elsewhere?

特别是你能否对MVC模式在其上的适用性做一些评论?In particular could comment on the applicability of the MVC Pattern?

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初步分析认为新型水窖具有很好的适用性。Preliminary think spot assembled water tank has a good applicability.

一些设计来捕获错误的条款限制了适用性的范围。Some provisions designed to catch errors limit range of applicability.

实例分析表明这一方法的可用性。Practical examples are ana- lysed, showing the applicability of this method.

实验结果表明,该方法计算量小、适用性广。Experimental results show that the method is simple and of wide applicability.

最后,讨论了贵阳市主要暖通空调技术的适用性。Finally, applicability of main HVAC technologies in Guiyang City is discussed.

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该等效模型对强非线性杜芬系统具有良好的适用性。The equivalent model has good applicability for strong nonlinear Duffing systems.

仿真结果表明,该算法所需先验约束条件少,因此适应性较广。The proposed algorithm needs less apriori constraints and has good applicability.

还讨论了当地风—浪经验公式的适用程度。The applicability of some local wind-wave empirical expressions is dis cussed too.

本文重点探讨了史密斯-帕克模型在中国市场的适用性。And it importantly discussed the applicability of Smith-Park model in China market.

绑定有着十分有趣的适应性,尤其在LINQ表达式中。Binding has interesting applicability especially when LINQ expressions are involved.

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导带式数码喷印机具有喷印正品率高、织物品种适用性广的优点。The digital jet printer with belt type features high quality and wide applicability.

治理推动行为的应用性从这四种现象得来The applicability of governance to driving behavior follows from these four phenomena

因此,民事责任追究机制具有更广泛的适用性。Therefore, the practice of civil liability ascertainment is of greater applicability.