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我要奴役全人类!I will enslave all mankind.

人们奴役它们,鞭打它们,还将其吞咽People enslave them, beat them, then eat them too

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专制者自己获得了自由却奴役人民!Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people!

执政掌权的用何法辖制我们?。What do the principalities and powers use to enslave us?

恐惧虽然会奴役你,但基督已释放你,让你得自由。Fear will enslave you, but Christ has come to set you free.

在尊重的状态中,你不会选择去奴役别人。In a state of honor, one would not choose to enslave another.

教育使人容易去管理,但不可能去奴役。Education makes people easy to govern but impossible to enslave.

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如果你是上帝,那么做自己的救世主,不要在精神上束缚自己。If you God, then save your own, don't mentally enslave your own.

有许多野蛮的种族奴役我们谁如果想有机会。There are many barbaric races who would enslave us if given the chance.

如果能,为什么我们无法接受奴役低智商人群的行为呢?If so, why don’t we think it’s acceptable to enslave people with low IQs?

只要他愿意,他手上剩下的香水足以征服整个世界。He still had enough perfume left to enslave the whole world if he so chose.

基尔加丹的第一步是俘虏吸血鬼恐惧魔王们。Kil'jaeden's first move was to enslave the vampiric dreadlords under his terrible power.

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你们会发现他们仅仅打算奴役你们,并且制订出恶魔般的计划来实现它。You will find that they were only out to enslave you, and made diabolical plans to achieve it.

总而言之新世界秩序代表撒旦教徒的「意志」,以将人类降级和奴役。In conclusion the New World Order represents the Satanist "will" to degrade and enslave mankind.

我们包含了那些神秘的科技,也就是那些曾经威胁我们和曾被用于奴役你们的科技。We have contained those secret technologies that threatened us and that were to be used to enslave you.

我明白了所有我过去接受作为真实的都完全是谎言,他们的目标只是为了奴役人类。I realised that all that I had accepted as fact was pure fiction, whose only goal was to enslave mankind.

滥用权力、漠视权利导致教师权威的异化,使学生、教师奴性化。Abuse of power and neglect of rights alienate teacher' s authority and enslave both students and teachers.

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奈法利安则奴役了黑石氏族的兽人并在黑石山的上层建立了一个要塞。Nefarian was able to enslave the orcs of the Blackrock Clan and set up a stronghold in upper Blackrock Mountain.

你的习惯是你忠实的仆人,你只需要用你的意念选择你想让他们做的事。Your habits are a servant, and they will enslave you or free you.You choose by using your will power what they do.

孤独的在自由和因不被了解而产生的安宁,因为那些了解我们的人给我们束缚。The freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us.