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我现在遗憾地打开了灯。I now regretfully turn out the light.

和是什么让你感到最遗憾的?And what made you feel most regretfully ?

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我很抱歉必须拒绝你的盛情邀请。I must regretfully decline your kind inv itat ion.

这时旅馆的茶房把门敲得砰砰响,他遗憾地放开了她。Now the hall-boy pounded on the door and he released his hold upon her regretfully.

我们很遗憾的承认墨西哥湾海岸发生了一些事情,请待下回分解。We regretfully admit that something has happened off of the Gulf Coast. More to come.

那位伙伴很遗憾地说他不能说出那年轻人产生怪念头的原因。The mate observed regretfully that he could not account for that young fellow's whims.

而且什么,我们遗憾地通知你是一个丑陋的老蛋并且你不能加入。And what, we regretfully inform that you're an ugly old mingo and you're not going to make it.

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他遗憾地一放下枪,就晕倒了,被人们用担架抬走。As soon as he regretfully put down his gun, he fell unconscious and was earried away on a stretcher.

仓桥说大地可能是有一颗女儿心,海很懊悔地想起自己原来喜欢把大地当成女孩儿。Kurahashi said land may have a daughter heart, the sea is very regretfully thought like the earth as a girl.

遗憾的说,目前为止我还没下过乡,当地的状况还没有直观的感受。Regretfully speaking, I even don't go to township at present, so I have no direct feelings of current situation.

“贺瑞斯不行,他才十六岁。”邓巴太太遗憾地说。“我想我今年得替一下我丈夫了。”"Horace's not but sixteen vet. " Mrs. Dunbar said regretfully. "Guess I gotta fill in for the old man this year. "

他现在懊悔地说,仿佛提到了点生物圈她就又触及到他往日情爱的伤痛似的。" he said, regretfully now, as though by mentioning the Biosphere at all she'd reinjured some old romantic wound of his.

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尽管她十分渴望远走他乡,但是走到最近那个山丘拐弯的地方,她又回过头去,满腹惆怅地望了望马洛特村和她父亲的房屋。On the curve of the nearest hill she looked back regretfully at Marlott and her father's house, although she had been so anxious to get away.

善良的沈惠芸力劝丈夫未果,遗憾地成为丈夫愚忠殉葬的牺牲品。Man of virtuous urge of Shenyang benefit Yun not if really, make marital fool regretfully the victim of faithful be buried alive with the dead.

在他的第一演说普洛斯彼罗中,他惋惜地提醒个他如何表示他所有的魔术家那在和离开岛当普洛斯彼罗最初到达的时候。In his first speech to Prospero, he regretfully reminds the magician of how he showed him all the ins and outs of the island when Prospero first arrived.

我们同存于一个时代,却在一个完整的城墙圈里失之交臂而过,这是我活人的幸运和遗憾。Though I had the good fortune to be contemporaries with him, I had regretfully missed making his acquaintance within the city walls of Xi'an. I went up to Mt.

不过,他也很遗憾地表示,中国目前在这方面依然比较滞后,防火墙市场目前还是比UTM市场大。Nevertheless, he expresses very regretfully also, china still compares lag in this respect at present, firewall market still is bigger than UTM market at present.

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终于啊,每一个饱受到老师那阳光般的智慧、谦诚、质朴而又真实的人格熏陶的人们,才遗憾地去感知和纪念老师的气息。Finally, the teacher's strength begins to be regretfully felt and commemorated by anyone that ever showered in his sunshine of wisdom, modesty, simplicity, and sincerity.

吃完了米汤以后﹐桑晓把李婉的故事一五一十地告诉了莲香﹐并自枕头下面将李婉的手帕拿了出来﹐懊悔地要求莲香将它烧掉。After eating the soup, Sang-xiao told Lian-xiang about Li Wan in details. He took Li Wan's handkerchief out from under his pillow and regretfully asked Lian-xiang to burn it.

张爱玲在这部小说中以她的独特眼光描写了生活中的“饥饿”现象和“虚假性”,而这部作品的部分情节构成又令人遗憾地陷入了虚假性。In this novel, Zhang Ailing manages to picture in a unique manner the "hunger" and "falsility" in life whereas some of its plots have been regretfully stained by some falsehood.