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真主紧急呼救天狗。Live God SOS dog evil.

这条船正发出呼救信号。The ship is sending out an SOS signal.

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所以他们被告知的是书画SOS的家庭。So they were asked to draw their SOS families.

渡船甚至连发出紧急呼救信号的时间都没有。The ferry did not even have time to send out an SOS.

她加入摇滚乐团,开始几乎每天都收到SOS。She joined the rock band and began going to SOS almost everyday.

他们更喜欢接近其他SOS的弟哦能够地姐妹。They have preferred being next to their SOS brothers or sisters.

简正波具有驻波性质,基本已反映在一阶近似解中。Indoing sos the standing wave nature of the solution is emphasized.

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今天我参观了北京市的儿童村。Today I visited the International SOS Children's Village in Beijing.

反歧视组织“紧急反种族主义”即属反应最强之列。SOS Racisme, an anti-discrimination group, is among the most hostile.

SOS商店对个人购物设定了限制,以防止有人滥用权利。The SOS shops impose limits on individual purchases to prevent abuse.

初初见到她信息中“救命”两个字,我的心一下子便紧张起来。He wishes to see her message, "SOS" word, my heart will suddenly tense.

对于耐辐射球菌是否具有SOS易错修复尚存争议。There is argument on whether Deinococcus radiodurans possesses SOS repair.

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文中对于FDS和SOS产生的原因进行了初步的探讨。In this paper, the reasons for producing FDS and SOS are preliminarily discussed.

张嶷,45岁,国际SOS中国区常务董事,常驻北京。John Williams, 45 is Managing Director of International SOS China, based in Beijing.

本活动由世界自然基金会主办,本会仅负责校内宣传。SOS Campaign is initiated by WWF, Green World help in the promotion work in CUHK only.

电力销售,渥太华,加拿大,我们采用了特洛伊比尔特削片机吸尘器线。Was adopted by the SOS Power Sales, Ottawa, Canada, we have fun Troy Bilt vacuum line.

我们发现了求救的来源。是在两座山脉间狭窄山谷。We discovered the origin of the SOS call. It was in a narrow valley between two mountains.

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然后SOS和其他一些急救组织带这些孩子去临时营地寻找他们的亲人。SOS and other aid groups then take the kids to temporary camps while they search for relatives.

我们从一个很小的不明行星上收到了一个求救讯号。我下令回答该讯号。We picked up an SOS call from a tiny unidentified planet. I gave the order to answer that call.

在这期间,他们以这种方式为SOS儿童村募集了超过75,000瑞士法郎的善款。In these 3 steps they took donations for SOS Children's Villages of more than fabulous CHF 75'000.