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这个特点对于德鲁伊来说是优秀的。The traits of the druid class are above.

那个新手兽人甚至不能打到德鲁依。That newbie Orc can't even hit the Druid.

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相传这里曾是远古时期德鲁伊的家园。Supposedly this was an ancient Druid site.

德鲁伊的群魔不再伤害队友了。Druid AoEs will no longer affect the group.

你知道德鲁伊坦克形态如何操作么?Are you aware how a Druid plays in tank form?

若德鲁伊在城内倒下,他会发出声音么?If a Druid Falls in the City, Does He Make a Noise?

水栖形式不妨在16级时间接从锻练师处练习。Aquatic Form is now offered by druid trainers at level 16.

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警长,战斗结束了。冒险者打败了德鲁伊。Chief, the fight's over. Those adventurers beat the druid.

固定一巨大的圣地能影响德鲁伊特藤蔓植物的臭虫。Fixed a bug where Monster Shrines could affect Druid Vines.

水栖形态可以在16级时直接从训练师处学习。Aquatic Form is now available from druid trainers at level 16.

实际上呢,雷加的步队也好不到哪儿去……兵士,盗贼和野性德鲁伊。Bctually, Rehgar's team is a warrior, a rogue and a feral druid.

塞纳留斯便知道只有玛法里奥才会成为德鲁伊。Cenarius knew that Malfurion alone would go on to become a druid.

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如果你是一个近战DPS职业,德坦克,或者猎人,你会看到。If you are a melee DPS class, druid tank, or hunter, expect to see.

德鲁伊与其变形形态间有何不同?What differences are there between a druid forms and the true classes?

为了配合德鲁伊的变身技能,游戏中设计了满满一本魔法书的技能。Along with the power of the Druid to Shapeshift comes a full spellbook.

一个有能力担当主要治疗者任务的德鲁伊优秀特点。One trait of a druid is the ability to take the role of primary healer.

德鲁伊能变成飞禽,那么会被近战攻击吗?If a druid shapeshifts into a flying animal, can it be attacked by melee?

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法师是我第一个职业但是仅仅5级的时候我就放弃了而后开始练小德。I played mage first only got to around lvl 5 then gave up and started druid.

不过,第一个凡人德鲁伊是大德鲁伊玛法里奥·怒风。However, the first mortal druid on Azeroth was Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage.

一个猫德和盗贼差不多,他们有他们自己的风筝DOT。A cat druid plays like a rogue and they have their own form of rupture kiting.