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一天,他看见帕尔塞福涅。One day he saw Persephone.

帕尔塞福涅已经吃了一半石榴种子。Persephone had eaten half the seeds.

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泊尔塞福涅是宙斯和德墨逆耳的女儿。Persephone was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter.

冥后把盒子给她,但是警告她不要打开盒子。Persephone gave her the beauty box but warned her not to open it.

那些知道佩尔塞福涅下落的神灵们,全都缄口不言。Persephone who knows the whereabouts of the gods were all silence.

泊瑟芬还没有弄明白是怎么一回事,地上就裂开一道缝,一股强大的力量把她卷了进去。Persephone was rolled by a powerful force before she got understood.

在地上,德米特四处寻找帕尔塞福涅,全然忘记了自己工作。On Earth, Demeter searched for Persephone and forgot all about her work.

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有一天,泊瑟芬和同伴们在山谷中的草地上摘花,她惊奇的发现一朵银色的水仙,美的光彩照人。One day, Persephone was picking flowers in the valley with her companions.

她直接来到珀尔塞福涅的城堡,向她要求一些美貌。She went right to Persephone 's castle and requested a little of her beauty.

从此以后,大地结霜,寸草不生的冬天就是泊瑟芬到地府去见海地士的日子。Since then, the earth frosted in winter. and it was the time Persephone met Haiti.

宙斯和珀尔塞福涅的儿子。他被泰坦杀害,再生改名为狄俄尼索斯。The son of Zeus and Persephone who was slain by the Titans and reborn as Dionysus.

泊瑟芬从地府回到人间的时候正是春天,她把百花的香气撒在大地上,把灿烂的阳光带给每一个人。Persephone was rescued and spreaded the aroma of her flowers scattered on the earth.

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这超出了珀尔塞福涅的承受极限,她在极大的痛苦中自杀。This was more than Persephone could bear and she committed suicide in great anguish.

她给植物和庄稼浇水,同漂亮的女儿帕尔塞福涅一起采花。She watered the plants and crops, and picked flowers with her beautiful daughter Persephone.

我叫珀尔塞福涅。我很想成为2008届北京奥运会的志愿者。My name is Persephone. I would like to work as a volunteer for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

神话中哈德斯也将妻子普西芬尼囚禁在冥界的永恒黑暗里。According to myth, Hades also imprisoned his wife, Persephone , in the underworld's eternal darkness.

为了使冥王忘记曼茜,佩瑟芬妮将她变成了一株不起眼的小草,长在路边任人踩踏。In order to let Hades forget Menthe , Persephone conjured Menthe to be a common grass to be trampled by passerby.

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一天,佩尔塞福涅在田野里正欲弯腰采摘一朵野花时,大地突然裂开了一条宽宽的地缝。One day, Persephone is trying to bend over in the fields picking flowers one, the earth suddenly open to a broad slit.

“如果帕尔塞福涅吃地府中的任何东西,她就得呆在那儿,”宙斯说,“让我派信使赫耳墨斯去看个究竟。”"If Persephone eats anything in the underworld she must stay, " said Zeus. "Let me send Hermes, my messenger, to find out.

以后,每当佩尔塞福涅留居冥土时,得墨忒尔便愁眉不展,大地也是一片萧条,便成了冬季。Later, when Persephone to stay deep soil, the Demeter can a worried frown, the earth is a recession, it has become the winter.