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我还以为是几年前腹腔镜切开术。I had a laparoscopic myotomy a few years ago.

在切开术帮助与吞咽问题,这很不错。The myotomy helped with the swallowing problems which was great.

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我是一名52岁男性和程序进行了切开术24年前。I am a 52 year old male and had a myotomy procedure performed 24 years ago.

这些患者可能需要关闭的开放手术穿孔并执行切开术。These patients may require open surgery to close the perforation and perform a myotomy.

我有两个肉毒杆菌注射,然后帮助了一年或两年终于有Heller术。I had two Botox injections, which helped for a year or two then finally had the Heller myotomy.

如果发生穿孔,紧急手术是需要关闭穿孔和执行切开术。If a perforation occurs, emergency surgery is needed to close the perforation and to perform a myotomy.

我是一个为Heller术胃底折叠包装的好选择,因为我的年龄,健康,积极的生活方式。I was a good candidate for the Heller Myotomy with fundoplication wrap because of my age, health, and active lifestyle.

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一个很好的回应Botox是通常表示该病人将有长期救济以下外科切开术。A good response to BOTOX is usually an indication that the patient will have long-term relief following surgical myotomy.

行动的关键细节包括对下段食道慷慨切开,扩大和胃壁上。Critical details of the operation include a generous myotomy of the lower esophagus, extending well onto the gastric wall.

我有所有的治疗扩张,球囊扩张,多内窥镜各种课程,Heller术8年前。I have had all the various courses of treatment dilatation, balloon dilatation, multiple endoscopies, Heller myotomy 8 years ago.

这种治疗会导致于胃交界处的水平炎症反应,使随后切开术非常困难。This treatment can cause an inflammatory reaction at the level of the gastroesophageal junction, making a subsequent myotomy very difficult.

食管贲门失弛缓症的为需要的是非常罕见,即使在一食道扩张的存在,并应预留失败后切开术。The need for esophagectomy for achalasia is very uncommon, even in the presence of a dilated esophagus, and should be reserved for failures after myotomy.

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食管与贲门失弛缓症是一个显着扩张或和乙状结肠形食管患者的标准治疗方法,认为在这种情况下Heller术无效。Esophagectomy was the standard treatment in patients with achalasia and a markedly dilated or sigmoid-shaped esophagus, with Heller myotomy considered to be ineffective in such cases.