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你为我对塔妮娅说过了吗?Did you speak to Tania for me?

但是我们的想法通常是一致的,”泰娜说。But we’ve always wanted the same thing, ” says Tania.

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我在想塔尼亚,想她怎样弹奏慢板。I'm thinking of Tania and how she claws away at her adagio.

塔妮娅·坎贝尔是一个居住在韩国首尔的自由作家。Tania Campbell is a freelance writer based in Seoul, South Korea.

在毕业班的六十名学生里,塔尼亚的成绩是全班第一。Of the 60 students in her graduating class, Tania ranked number one.

这一些人中最可爱的犹太人是塔尼亚,为了她我也愿意成了唯一犹太人。Of them all the loveliest Jew is Tania , and for IT sake I too will becoming a Jew.

在这个艺术家戏剧性的去世后,他的遗孀塔尼亚离开立陶宛定居在了美国,并带走了维塔斯所有的摄影作品。After dramatic death of the artist, his widow Tania left to the USA with all his photography archive.

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这是为什么呢?她为何以塔尼亚的假名发表一段录音信息宣布自己已经加入SLA?Why did she issue a taped message, under the nom de guerre Tania , announcing she had joined the SLA?

手镯和耳环的价钱很合算,钱花在范妮身上总比浪费在杰曼奥德特这类小婊子身上好些。Better to spend it on Fanny than waste it on little strumpets like Germaine and Odette. Yes, he told Tania so.

塔妮亚以前只见过几场小雪,因为荷兰冬季降雪的季节恰好是北极熊冬眠的时候。Tania had seen ow before but only very little as it mostly falls in the Dutch winter, when polar bears hibernate.

塔妮亚以前只见过几场小雪,因为荷兰冬季降雪的季节恰好是北极熊冬眠的时候。Tania had seen snow before but only very little as it mostly falls in the Dutch winter, when polar bears hibernate.

其中包括卡尔和葆拉、克朗斯塔特和鲍里斯、塔尼亚和西尔维斯特、莫尔多夫和露西尔,除了菲尔莫全是。There's Carl and Paula, and Cronstadt and Boris, and Tania and Sylvester, and Moldorf and Lucille. All except Fillmore.

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1981年,急于结婚的卢埃林与时装设计师塔尼娅·索斯金订婚,这。The affair ended amicably in 1981, when Llewellyn, who was eager to marry, became engaged to fashion designer Tania Soskin.

他一面挥手赶开苍蝇一类的东西,一面伸出他的肥胖的小爪子去抚摸塔尼亚的秀发。While he fends off the dangerous ones he puts out his fat little paw and strokes Tania 's hair. "I'm beginning to fall in love with you."

英国海军部曾警告「卢西塔尼亚号」要避开这个区域,并采用规避战术曲折航行,但船员们对此漠然置之。The british admiralty had warned the lusi tania to avoid the area and to use the evasive tactic of zigzagging but the crew ignored these recommendations.

还有一位塔尼亚,这位塔尼亚像一颗饱满的种子,把花粉传播到各处,抑或我们也可以说,这有点儿像托尔斯泰和掘出胎儿的马棚一幕。But there is another Tania, a Tania like a big seed who scatters pollen everywhere – or, let us say, a little bit of Tolstoy, a stable scene in which the fetus is dug up.