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平躺在地板上。Lie on the floor.

我来拖地板。I'll mop the floor.

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它在第几层?What floor is it on?

她是一个前堂接待员。She is a floor clerk.

谁在拖地板?。Who is mop the floor?

他把目光转向车厢地板。He looks at the floor.

突然,我的书掉在地板上。My book hit the floor.

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嗯地面推着我。This floor is pushing.

我很喜欢石板地面。I love the slate floor.

这地板是硬橡木的。The floor is solid oak.

地板很平。The floor is quite flat.

她正在拖地板。She is mopping the floor.

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地板上撒满了鲜花。Flowers strewed the floor.

我住在九楼。I live on the ninth floor.

我希望有人给地板吸尘。I want the floor vacuumed.

现在是八楼。It's the eighth floor now.

~锻炼骨盆底。Exercise your pelvic floor.

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他用拖把擦地板。He took a mop to the floor.

妈妈发现他倒在地板上。Mom found him on the floor.

掌心向下压入地板。Press palms into the floor.