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我一次又一次地告诉我的父亲,我想留在鹿儿岛。I told my father again and again that I wanted to stay in Kagoshima.

日本九州岛南部一城市,位于鹿儿岛湾濒临中国东海的一个海湾。A city of southern Kyushu, Japan, on Kagoshima Bay, an inlet of the East China Sea.

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市长何寄华会见鹿儿岛文化艺术交流团的主要成员。Deputy Mayor He Jihua meets with principal members of Kagoshima Cultural Exchange Group.

日方正在鹿儿岛进行投弹演习,极有可能在不久的将来袭击中国某个省份。Japan is Kagoshima bombing exercises, is likely to hit a China Province in the near future.

初步的计划包括从日本鹿儿岛进口约1万头黑毛猪。Initial plans include importing about 10,000 black hogs from Kagoshima of Japan to the farm.

该照片摄于2010年1月,地点——日本南部鹿儿岛市附近的樱岛火山。This picture was taken in January 2010, of Sakurajima volcano near Kagoshima town in south Japan.

“拂晓”号于今年5月21日在位于九州岛的鹿儿岛县种子岛宇宙中心发射升空。"Dawn" was May 21 this year, at Kyushu's Kagoshima Prefecture in the Tanegashima Space Center launch.

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我要把汗流在鹿儿岛,让我的梦想成真,同时他在京都刻苦工作。I'm going to sweat it out here in Kagoshima to make my dreams come true, while he works hard in Kyoto.

一枚H2-A型火箭从日本鹿儿岛的种子岛空间中心火箭发射场发射升空。An H2-A rocket lifts off from a launching pad at the Tanegashima Space Center in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.

随后数天,它大致趋向九州。彩蝶于九月六日在鹿儿岛附近登陆后转向东北移动。Nabi then tracked in the general direction towards kyushu in the next few days . it made landfall near kagoshima on 6 september.

出于对园艺专业的浓厚兴趣,以及对园艺事业的热爱,我希望能在鹿儿岛大学学习园艺专业。Out of professional interest in horticulture, as well as the cause of love gardening, I hope to study horticulture at Kagoshima University.

他们试图坐美国商船回国,但在江户湾和鹿儿岛都只受到炮弹的欢迎,最后只好回到澳门。They hoped to return to Japan in an American trader, but the vessel metwith cannon fire in Edo Bay and Kagoshima.Rebuffed, they resumed their life in Macau.

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鹿儿岛地方气象台称,设置在火山西南部3公里处的空气振动测量仪显示气压高达299帕斯卡。Kagoshima Local Meteorological Observatory, said, setting the volcano 3 km southwest of vibration measuring instrument shows the air pressure reached 299 hPa.

他们试图坐美国商船回国,但在江户湾和鹿儿岛都只受到炮弹的欢迎,最后只好回到澳门。They hoped to return to Japan in an American trader, but the vessel met with cannon fire in Edo Bay and Kagoshima. Rebuffed, they resumed their life in Macau.

暹芭于八月三十日在日本鹿儿岛附近登陆,同日转向东北移动,横越九州及本州的西南部。On 30 august , chaba made landfall near kagoshima , japan . it then turned northeastward and rampaged across kushu and the southwestern part of honshu the same day.

鹿儿岛附近的一座岛上有一座更高的山,不过那是九州内陆地区最高的山峰,那绝对是个挑战,而且那座山也有很棒的风景。There is one higher mountain on an island near Kagoshima but on mainland Kyuushuu that's the highest peak and it's quite a challenge and there are some beautiful views from that mountain.