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婴儿吃饱会吐奶。A baby vomits milk from repletion.

允许口服液体补充静脉体液量。Intraenous fluid repletion allows oral fluids to be offered sparingly.

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允许口服液体补充静脉体液量。Intravenous fluid repletion allows oral fluids to be offered sparingly.

可有效防止因客观环境因素引发的过量饱食。Can effectively prevent the objective environmental factors, triggered by excessive repletion.

训练之后立即摄入碳水化合物可以加速糖原补充和肌肉恢复。Consuming carbohydrates right after training can speed glycogen repletion and muscle recovery.

强调了桩位复测、护筒埋设、钻孔、成孔等每道工序在检查过程中需注意的问题。The pile repletion measurement, drilling, the embedment of the steel casing and pile drilling are emphasized.

动物缺乏核黄素一周后,AC值即迅速增高,而补充核黄素后又恢复正常。One week after deficiency the AC values were elevated, while after repletion of riboflavin they returned to normal.

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并将中药口服按照中医辨证本虚标实程度的不同选择不同剂量。Oral Chinese medicine chose different doses according to root vacuity and tip repletion differentiation of TCM syndrome.

实热证的表现,其实是在虚热体质的基础上演变而来。The symptoms of repletion heat patterns as fact are developed from the foundation of vacuity heat patterns in constitution.

以蓄满产流理论为基础,建立了一个网格型松散结构的分布式流域水文模型。A grid distributed hydrological model with incompact structure is built on the basis of the theory of runoff formation on repletion of storage.

跟其他螯合剂一样,给DMPS前要先检验评估患者体内的矿物质的状况,如有不足要先补充。As with other chelating agents, the patients' mineral status should be determined before administering DMPS and repletion of deficient minerals accomplished.

临床上大多是「虚实夹杂」者居多,也就是「脾肾虚弱」与「溼热之邪」两者均有之。Clinically most situations manifest as vacuity repletion complexes, with spleen and kidney vacuity weakness and damp heat evil being the two primary patterns.

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顾客满足度指数是近年来许多国家和地区积极开展研究和采用的一种新的经济指标。Considering repletion meaning to spend an index is to make multilateral home and area begin research and a kind of when use new economic norms actively in recent years.

富裕和贫寒、光荣和默默无闻、权力和屈服、强壮和软弱、健康和疾并教养和无知、工作和闲暇、饱食和饥饿、道德和罪恶,都不过是较高或较低程度的自由罢了。Wealth and poverty, health and disease, culture and ignorance, labour and leisure, repletion and hunger, virtue and vice, are all only terms for greater or less degrees of freedom.