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蜂拥的人群挤满了剧场。Surging crowds impacted the theatre.

那个战士将他的剑紧紧插入地下。The soldier impacted his sword into the ground.

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影响前牙由于小下颌。Impacted anterior teeth due to a small mandible.

成为ASC成员后,对你的生活和职业产生了什么影响吗?How has ASC membership impacted your life and career?

因此,这种新趋势是如何影响今天的婚姻的呢?So how has this new trend impacted today’s marriages?

实际上,我们的投资组合由于合并而被压缩了。In fact, our portfolio has been impacted by the merger.

谁会受我工作日程改变的影响?Who is impacted by my decision to change my work schedule?

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贸易成交率的下降对这个国家的经济造成了影响。Falling trade rates have impacted on the country's economy.

在好莱坞做事的时候,那些观点有影响你吗?Have those views ever impacted your employment in Hollywood?

这些鸟类处在最可能被严重影响的第一线。Those are on the front lines of being most heavily impacted.

UNSC舰队的MAC炮弹冲击着圣约人的驱逐舰。The UNSC fleet MAC rounds impacted on the Covenant destroyer.

我们也受到了一些国际力量的影响,We're also being impacted by a lot of globalization forces so

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苏联革命如何开始及影响旧俄王朝?How Russian Revolution started and impacted to Romanov dynasty?

而连接到没有出错的组件的应用则不受影响。Applications connected to a non-failing component are not impacted.

发生阻生的局部因素主要是牙间隙不足。The main factor lead to impacted teeth was insufficient interdentium.

在右边外听道有许多塞住的耳垢。There is much impacted cerumen over the right external acoustic canal.

连接到一个非故障组件的应用程序将不受影响。Applications connected to a non-failing component will not be impacted.

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受此政策影响最大的莫过于虚拟货币的“倒爷”。Those virtual currency traders will be impacted most by the new policy.

如果你把你的手机落在家里了,没有它你就会觉得心里不踏实。If you leave your cell phone at home, you feel impacted by not having it.

1788年洪水是荆州城市建设史上的重要事件,对于后来的荆州城市防洪和城市布局有着很大影响。The flood in 1788 had impacted on the city form of Jingzhou for a long time.