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我们在神经外科领域处于显著领先地位。We are marked leader in neurosurgery.

谁最近在神经外科的人。People who have recently had neurosurgery.

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请叫妇产科住院医师速到抢救室来。I would get the neurosurgery resident down here.

评价神经导航系统在颅脑手术的应用价值。To assess the clinical value of the neuronavigation system in neurosurgery.

非刚体配准是神经外科和放疗计划设计中的一个关键问题。Non rigid registration is a key issue for neurosurgery and radiotherapy planning.

目的为神经外科提供小脑动脉的临床解剖学资料。Objective To provide the anatomical data of cerebellar arteries for neurosurgery.

国家食品和药物监察局在2009年五月批准了激光可以作为手术手段。The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved lasers for neurosurgery in May 2009.

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脑内囊性肿瘤等治疗方面,定向硬通道技术可以做为神经外科常备工具。Hardware-oriented channel technology can be used as tools for neurosurgery standing.

目的为临床神经外科提供鞍区显微解剖和解剖参数。Objective To provide the microanatomy of sellar region for the clinical neurosurgery.

方法针对神经外科病房工作的特点,实施人性化护理工作。Methods For the characteristics of neurosurgery wards work, to implement the humane nursing.

目的探讨无框架脑立体定向手术在微创神经外科的应用价值。Objective To evaluate the utility of frameless stereotaxy in minimally invasive neurosurgery.

在神经外科界,我们遥遥领先,而且我们的团队非常上进。We had a market-leading business in neurosurgery and we had a very ambitious group of people.

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目的探讨锁孔入路显微手术在神经外科的应用。Objective To explore the clinical application of keyhole craniotomy microsurgery in neurosurgery.

方法回顾性分析821例住院患者的临床资料。METHODS The clinical data of 821 cases from neurosurgery department were reviewed retrospectively.

本实用新型涉及神经外科手术器材。The utility model relates to a neurosurgery device, comprising a latex saccule and a working pipe.

重点介绍医学期刊中非常独特的顺序审稿制。The authors also introduce the unique consecutive peer-review process of the Journal of Neurosurgery.

目的探讨沟通理论在神经外科失语病人中的运用价值。Objective To investigate the role of communicative theory patterns with aphasia patients in neurosurgery.

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一个小时后,神经外科组结束了他们的探索,不完全确定是否取了一块可视的样本。After an hour, the neurosurgery team finished up, not entirely sure whether they had obtained a viable sample.

张伯伦同时也是华盛顿大学医学院的神经病学与神经外科的教授。Chamberlain is also a professor of neurology and neurosurgery at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

神经外科发展的方向正由大体神经外科向微侵袭神经外科转变。The development of neurosurgery is changing from the general neurosurgery to the minimally invasive neurosurgery.