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随着社会经济的发展,也产生了诸多不和谐因素。However, many unharmonious factors have arisen along with the development of social economy.

夫妻话语冲突在我国普遍存在,它是造成婚姻家庭成员之间不和谐的主要因素。Couple talk's conflict exits widely in china, and it is the main reason to unharmonious family.

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社会不和谐因素增加的主要原因是社会公平机制的缺失。The increase of unharmonious factors in the society is mainly due to the absence of fairness system.

医疗卫生单位内部人际关系欠佳是一个较为普遍的问题。Unharmonious personal relationship between some medical workers is quite common in some medical institutions.

医患关系不协调所引发的医疗纠纷已成为社会关注的热点。It is a hot social that medical dispute was due to the unharmonious relationship between medical and patients.

黄河难以治理的症结就在于水少沙多、水沙关系不协调。The uneasy symptom of the Yellow River is its limited water and multiplied sediment in an unharmonious relationship.

目前我国的劳动关系不协调是制约和谐社会建设的重要原因之一。At present, the unharmonious labor relation is one of the important factors restricting constructing a harmonious society.

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作品安排三个并置且不同步的影像,反覆随机重组合唱出不和谐的频率。There are three juxtaposed but not-in-sync images in this work. Unharmonious frequencies are song repeatedly and randomly.

本文从高校中存在的不和谐因素入手,重点探讨高校中如何做好和谐校园建设。The paper starts with the unharmonious factors existing in colleges and mainly explores on how to establish the campus harmony.

本文从高校中存在的不和谐因素入手,重点探讨高校中如何做好和谐校园建设。The paper starts with the unharmonious factors existing in colleges arid mainly explores on how to establish the campus harmony.

目前,农村还存在着一系列影响新农村建设的不和谐因素,应引起各方的密切关注并加以解决。At present, there are some unharmonious factors which affect new rural construction. We should pay attention them and solve them.

此外,如果卡环放置在前牙区域,那么义齿在美观上不令人满意是不可避免的。Besides this, an esthetically unharmonious appearance of the teeth is unavoidable, if clasps are placed in visible frontal tooth areas.

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正是由于这些因素的存在,严重阻碍了和谐管理在实际学校管理活动中的实施进程。In fact, there are many unharmonious factors against harmony in current schools'management, which retards the management process of harmony.

由于楼层安排的不合理,这种消极的能量可能聚集在工作场所中尖角的地方,渗透在杂乱的文件中。This negative energy can collect up in your work space in pointed corners, through piles of clutter and because of unharmonious floor plans.

矿产资源是一种特殊物质,具有不可再生性、可耗竭性、动态性、不均匀性、隐蔽性和复杂性。The mineral resource is a special material which has special features as non-renewable, may used up, dynamic, unharmonious , and the complex.

我们认为,正是由于工业化与城市化之间存在不相协调的方面,决定了中国城市化道路的复杂性。We think that it is some unharmonious aspects between industrialization and urbanization that determine the complexity of urbanization in China.

然而那些生活在不那么和谐的家庭的人容易在工作中分心,因为他们除了工作上的问题外,还要担忧家庭。While people who live in a unharmonious family are easily distracted from work, because besides the work issues, they also have family annoyance.

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目前产业结构依然存在着农林牧比例不协调、过垦过牧等问题。Now its industry structure in still characterized by some problems such as unharmonious ratio of agriculture and unduly land reclamation and grazing.

而如今的高校师生关系不和谐现象却时有发生,影响着高校的和谐与稳定。But there still exists some unharmonious phenomenon between teachers and students which affects the harmony and stability of universities and colleges.

落后小经济实体的特性与其所处的大环境决定了其产业结构的不协调。The character of small backward economy material object and the disadvantage being on sticky wicket on the hip determine its unharmonious of industry structure.